hydro VS soil


Well-Known Member
really depends on how well you fight off the caterpillars, how much rain you get, and lord forbid the grasshoppers dont use this site or your screwed lol

now you're calling upon the forces of nature to save you? sad.

if you could grow outside in your backyards would you all? in soil? i bet you would.


Well-Known Member
ita kinda funny, im talkin much shit about dirt, but i really do like it. where i live med isnt a possibility, so i have to grow indoors. ive grown outside for more than a decade and loved it. but im less and less willing to hike up in the woods twice a week. truth be known im just to lazy to grow outside.
so now im doing hydro. of course it tastes alil different,,, i didnt say worse or better just different, but its not a big deal to me. i use a vap 90% of the time so im not all that picky. i can grow pounds inside in the same amount of time it takes to veg outside. and i can do it under an A/C while watching TV.
now if i lived in a med state sure i would grow in dirt some outside. but as long as i have to be inside im doin hydro. i like to experiment alot with my grows and soil would just take way to long.
yes sir i would/do,,, just not in "my yard" and not as intently as you do


Well-Known Member
now you're calling upon the forces of nature to save you? sad.

if you could grow outside in your backyards would you all? in soil? i bet you would.
noway man, i wouldnt wish a bad grow on any1. karma n all that jazz. besides im not sweatin it,,, i grow under an A/C remember lol


Well-Known Member
i would like to take this moment to thank you all for playing along. kinda put a dull tuesday on the boards anyway. i wish you all big buds and tasty nugs.

i love you


Well-Known Member
you 2 my dirty friend

191 posts on 1 thread in just 13 hours isnt to shabby lmao

damn i need a girlfriend


Well-Known Member
what...i barely came in here and all i can say is....


thats what im talking about...HYdro all the way


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I think the lock got jimmied by someone looking to steal the hydro buts..Looks like they walked all over those outside plants to get in though lol


Well-Known Member
marijuana naturally grows in soil.

doesn't that make hydro "unnatural"?


Pronunciation: (un-nach'ur-ul, -nach'rul), [key]
1. contrary to the laws or course of nature.
2. at variance with the character or nature of a person, animal, or plant.
3. at variance with what is normal or to be expected: the unnatural atmosphere of the place.
4. lacking human qualities or sympathies; monstrous; inhuman: an obsessive and unnatural hatred.
5. not genuine or spontaneous; artificial or contrived: a stiff, unnatural manner.
6. Obs.lacking a valid or natural claim; illegitimate.