Gypsy's Picture Depot

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
You trust that?

a green light not to affect them?

I've never used one.. but to me.. dark is dark... and light in the dark is taboo...

green or not... NO LIGHT is allowed in my op at night...
I dont do it often, only to check the pumps and the lights just went off an hour ago but if you guys think that green lights are B.S than im going with that


Well-Known Member
What were you doing? 24/7?

I am vegging at 18/6 with excellent results. My plants grow far faster at night than during the day. They will push out a whole new node overnight sometimes.

Just be safe. If you are REALLY worried, mask your IP. Bite your nails as a last resort.

Run for Governor. The position opened up I hear :-)


Well-Known Member
I dont do it often, only to check the pumps and the lights just went off an hour ago but if you guys think that green lights are B.S than im going with that
I didn't say it was BS...

I just said that I don't allow any light in my op at night...

I guess I have never had to see anything in there at night... it's dark..:lo:

What pumps do you check at night?

your Airstone in the DWC? Sorry if I am getting grows mixed up here...

what temperature is your res?


Well-Known Member
What were you doing? 24/7?

I am vegging at 18/6 with excellent results. My plants grow far faster at night than during the day. They will push out a whole new node overnight sometimes.
I have always vegged with the t5... so I have found that to get the clones I needed for the SOG ... I had to have the light on 24/7..

But I have never vegged with HID so... learning curve...

glad it was a short one there.... expen$ive lesson to ignore...:lol:

Just be safe. If you are REALLY worried, mask your IP. Bite your nails as a last resort.

Run for Governor. The position opened up I hear :-)
me .. politrics??


They can have it...

none of it concerns me...

my worries are much simpler than that....;-)

Gypsy, i love learning new stuff, and applying it. i could read it all in 2-3 days and pass a test. once again .. thx
Well... I wound't go around telling Fuctheads that you are willing to pass a test on it... you may get one...:lol::clap:

There are a few of us here that have followed that thread as a religion...

I have read and re-read ALL OF HIS THREADS back and forth about 10 times now...

And I still learn something new every fucking time..

But if you really want to pass THE fucthead test...

Show us a SOG...;-) :lol::razz::clap:


Well-Known Member
im in soil. i hate hydro for now . and im only 400 watts but ill be getting another 400 watt light in 2 weeks or so.

but i would definately try it.. i want to be perpetual so bad.. but every example i see has several rooms and large lights.. knocks my hopes down.


Well-Known Member
You can do a Single Cola SOG with soil... it's just slower.. and dirtier..;-)

what kind of space do you have?

why not a 600? more, better nugs...:razz:


Well-Known Member

I have always vegged with the t5... so I have found that to get the clones I needed for the SOG ... I had to have the light on 24/7..

But I have never vegged with HID so... learning curve...

glad it was a short one there.... expen$ive lesson to ignore...:lol:
I have done them all with HID and CFL's. 24/0, 20/4, 18/6.....For CFL'S I had the best results with 20/4. But with HID, 18/6 is the way to go, IMO. My electric bill is under $150 per month for a three bedroom with 5 tv's AND a 13k BtU a/c running 24/7.

If you don't like it...change the timer. I bet those big bushes will love it though. They are able to store up some much fuckin water and nutrients in all those roots, stems, leaves, and branches, can you imagine it? Give it a shot...What does MBlaze use as a vegging photoperiod?

me .. politrics??


They can have it...

none of it concerns me...

my worries are much simpler than that....;-)
Oh I know, but I like to give YOU shit back every now and again too. Its only proper. :razz:


Well-Known Member
i can never get the times dialed in for ..
a. when to take clones
b. when to throw them in flower
c. when to clone again.
my strains are all 8-9 weekers


Well-Known Member
You can do a Single Cola SOG with just about any method of growing...:razz:

Here's something that might look a bit more familiar to a dirtbag...:lol:;-)

It's not soil... but you do have to hand water...:lol:

After reading all of Al B. Fuct's threads and the Hempy Collective, my first SOG has become a hybrid from this information.

A 25 plant two liter Hempy SOG !

Ive just finished going over this thread. And I think you guys might be interested in my first test Hempy SOG.

Iam using Lucas Formula /w 2 part GH nutes. My water is well water with a PH over 9 !

Its very hard water so iam using the Hardwater Micro from GH.

Here is a shot of the newly rooted and transplanted clones:

I let them get to about 5-7 inches tall before the switch to 12/12

The strain is my outdoor indica that I grew last season. I made a bit of seed and from that grew some mothers for these clones.

Rooting was done with a bubble cloner:

Then transplanted into the two liter hempy's, 25% verm / 75 % perlite.

And here is some pics from day 23 of flowering:

They are about 15-18 inches tall now.

I have the 25 hempy buckets setup under a 400w hps with the light about 6 - 8 inches over the top of the canopy.

The clones were trimmed of branches on the bottom 1/3rd of the plant on the 1st and 3rd week of flowering.

The plants are a squeezed together under the light in about a 3x3 foot area. This makes the canopy a bit dense.

Ive been thinking I may wanna spread my pots out a bit, but i am trying to get the best use out of my light by keeping it close to the plants while keeping the plants in the optimal 3x3 footprint of the light.

The flowering chamber is a 4x4x4 1/2 foot high attic space :roll:

Very well ventilated.

One of the reasons I went with Hempy instead of going to Ebb and Flow right away was my Height Issues.

So this is my Test 25 clone two liter hempy SOG grow !

What do you guys think ? Uh Uh ?

Hempy SOG flowering day 28

And here is a pic taken away from the HID:

Ive seen visible trichome growth over the last 5 days or so.

Last night I sprayed my buds with Greencure as a mold prevention. I noticed that they were feeling a bit top heavy :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
i can never get the times dialed in for ..
a. when to take clones
b. when to throw them in flower
c. when to clone again.
my strains are all 8-9 weekers
You are not passing the test very good yet..;-)

everything is done on a 2 week cycle... or with some basic math.. 3 week cycle... 5 week cycle...

My op has been on a DAILY CYCLE...:lol: really 3 plants chopped everyday...



Just do everything every 2 weeks... ;-)

3x8x 7 feet with light clearance .. im gonna take some branches off of a few when i clone.. and then try and run it sog.
Yup.. I'd get a 600...

Do you/will you aircool your ights?


Well-Known Member
yes .. air cooled .

but see.. he has a light over every 2 week period.. thats where i get confused mostly.. i did the math to time for cloning rooting vegging tranfer to flower

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
I find with HIDs that 18/6 works well and I tend to bump them up to 20/4 for the last couple weeks of veg. 24 hours light just seems un natural to me.


Well-Known Member
yes .. air cooled .

but see.. he has a light over every 2 week period.. thats where i get confused mostly.. i did the math to time for cloning rooting vegging tranfer to flower
Al? no he doesn't... I do...

or did you mean that hempy grow I just posted? that is not on a rotation... but is still SOG... kust not perpetual...


It takes 2 weeks to get good roots on a clone... on average..

it also takes 2 weeks for the moms to be ready to give more clones...

just harvest 1/4 of the number of plants.. every 2 weeks...

Fill the spots with the rooted clones..

take some more cuttings...

every 2 weeks you do everything..:lol:

but this is how Al does it...



Well-Known Member
I find with HIDs that 18/6 works well and I tend to bump them up to 20/4 for the last couple weeks of veg. 24 hours light just seems un natural to me.
I see you haven't spent many summers in the Arctic...:lol:...

Sorry ... I just couldn't help it... you are right...:lol: it's not natural...:lol::clap:


Well-Known Member
I find with HIDs that 18/6 works well and I tend to bump them up to 20/4 for the last couple weeks of veg. 24 hours light just seems un natural to me.
So let me get this straight...

You actually increase the light pre-flower?


I have always been under the impression that the more darkness, the more the "flowering hormone" builds up...

There fore 18/6 would make for a quicker transition to flower... when compared to 20/4 or 24/0...

So if that's true.. you are actually extending vegetative growth further into the 12/12 cycle...

Making for a slightly longer transition (and thus a longer total flowering period)... but with an extra umph to that final stretch...:eyesmoke:

WTF am I talking about...???? :lol::razz:

Sometimes... I just don't know about this gypsy guy...:lol: