Go-as-you-grow White Label Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
The reason I'm calling this 'Go-as-you-grow' is because I had an outdoor spot planned out and cleaned and all set to go, then the property owner told me I can't use it, because it's not concealed enough. So this is supposed to be an outdoor grow for the most part, but right now it's taking place indoors and it will basically be an improvised grow in the sense that I have no idea whether it will continue indoors or be moved outdoors eventually. Or even how long it will last for that matter; I'm playing this one by ear.
This will be my second real grow [I've had one successful grow (but many unsuccessful ones too) so far which I harvested a few weeks ago].

I've got 3 feminized White Label Northern Lights seeds germinating at the moment. All have cracked within 24 hours and I'll be placing them in the soil tomorrow.

I'll try to update with photos as often as possible, but I'm going through some medical issues right now so please forgive me if I'm absent for any period of time.

Thanks for participating and hope to see you checking back ;)
Comments are welcome, however please refrain from spamming or using profanity...



Well-Known Member
Yo guys I haven't been on in a long time, sorry for the delay, they've been outside though, here they are

Comments are infinitely welcome and appreciated, just please keep it clean, thanks

Edit: They're about 10 weeks old now



Well-Known Member
I have two plants, but yes they're both outside and I would say they're ≥12" tall by now but I can check this afternoon.. this entire week is full of rain rain and more rain so they're been growing nicely, I just put some fertilizer on the ground around them so it'll seep into the earth (it's pouring outside at the moment)

I also got 2 really tiny plants from a friend that he planted in two little pots (I think they were rooted in rock wool originally) and they're growing nicely too, I'm not sure what strain OR sex they are though (or if they're cuttings or from seed).. I should plant them in the ground as soon as the rain lightens up a bit


Well-Known Member
Hey alright so I know everybody loves pictures and I need some input on what may be wrong with one of my girls.. I was hoping I wouldn't have to post pictures under these circumstances but so be it.. any help is greatly appreciated!

I thought the problem was pH fluctuation based on the Marijuana Plant Problems guide, but also to keep in mind is that it's been raining HEAVY every day without fail for the past week so I thought it might have been a case of over watering but I'm not sure.. funny thing is the other plant is doing marvelous, not a single problem.. I just turned the soil incase there was a hot spot in it somewhere (it's a mixture)



Well-Known Member
OK so since I didn't get any help here or in the other forum I took the matter into my own hands.. whatever it is that was affecting the plant basically took over, so I removed all the leaves that were affected which was essentially every fan leaf (I know it's looked down upon but I guess you can say I'm conducting a little experiment) so it kind of looks like a twig now (of course I left the bud forming spots in tact), but whatever it was was certainly stunting the growth of the plant and spreading throughout it VERY quickly (it was deteriorating really quickly to the point where by mid week this week the entire plant would have been brown and dehydrated completely)

We'll see how it holds up, in the meantime though, the other one's doing fantastic


Well-Known Member
Alright I think they're about 13 weeks old now and they're probably about 2 feet tall at this point

I don't have any photos but I'll try to get some soon.. also one of them is showing some very small female pre-flowers


Well-Known Member
I'm just wondering when you think she'll start budding seeing as she's presenting her pre-flowers now? The light cycle will only be 12/12 near the end of September, but by then the weather here would be getting pretty cold, probably too cold

Will she just begin to flower as the daylight diminishes gradually or will it actually take a 12/12 cycle for her to begin?


Well-Known Member
I'm just wondering when you think she'll start budding seeing as she's presenting her pre-flowers now? The light cycle will only be 12/12 near the end of September, but by then the weather here would be getting pretty cold, probably too cold

Will she just begin to flower as the daylight diminishes gradually or will it actually take a 12/12 cycle for her to begin?
It triggers at 12/12. I believe theres some hormone that tells the plant,"hey lady its time to get those buds going!". Most plants finish out in october so if its going to get below 50 by then your in trouble.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info.. by the end of October it should be about 40F in the middle of the night and around 60F during the day.. we've had really weird weather this year and they're predicting a slightly warmer end of the year

I'll have to just play it by ear and see how it goes.. shes put up with some really crappy conditions and weather so far (when I transplanted her outside as a seedling she had to be saved with duct tape because she was so beaten/chewed up... cats) so she is a tough cookie.. we'll see

I'll keep you posted!


Well-Known Member
She's doing really well she's about 4 feet tall now and hasn't even started flowering yet.. actually getting too big for her space so I had to cut down the smaller one (wasn't even pre-flowering yet.. the fan leaf cutting definitely stunted growth) and bend the bigger one over so we'll see how the bending goes as today was the first day

I was hoping I wouldn't have to top, super crop or bend but I bending was necessary here.. I was looking forward to a nice big cola but whatever lol