Cloning from cutting to rooting HELP


Active Member
Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone can tell me the best way to clone with the following items:

Olivia's Cloning Gel
Olivia's Cloning Solution
Heat Pad

Just a few questions also,

Can You Just clone 1 in a dome, or do you have to have a lot?

Is there something you can dip the clone(in rockwool) in something to kill any bugs in the rw? if any before planting?

should you soak the rw first, if so how long?

how wet are the rw cubes supposed to be?

thanks everyone!!!:peace:


You can clone as many as you want. Just 1 or 1000. Up to you.

You shouldn't have any problem with bugs in rockwool. It's a sterile product made from spun basalt rock.

If it's a small grow cube (2x"2x"2" or less), you only need to briefly soak the cube in pH 5.5 water/nutrient solution (weak).

They should stay damp, not totally soaked but not dry at all.
U can clone 1 plant u dont have to take alot of clones but i take more than 1 just in case some dont make it or they just look bad.I dont use no heating pad i just place them in rapid rooter plugs or rockwool after i dipped them into rooting gel and mist them daily.


Active Member
U can clone 1 plant u dont have to take alot of clones but i take more than 1 just in case some dont make it or they just look bad.I dont use no heating pad i just place them in rapid rooter plugs or rockwool after i dipped them into rooting gel and mist them daily.


so I went out and got some rapid rooter plugs, and the weird looking eggshell crate looking tray that fits into the bottom tray. Ok, so someone correct me if Im wrong, bu i am going to cut the branch 3 nodes under just a bit of the 3rd node(45 degrees), I dip it in the clone gel right away, and place in the rapid plug, and then in the tray, I have a blue spectrum and ho 2ft flor that will be on them,

but do i have to soak the rapid rooter in anything first, and do i use the cloning solution for the bottom tray?

it says on the back of the rapid rooter plugs to pour water in the tray on the bottom, but do you use anything, and the Ph is supposed to be 5.5 for clones, right?

and 1 more thing, do i have to use the dome still?



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone can tell me the best way to clone with the following items:

Olivia's Cloning Gel
Olivia's Cloning Solution
Heat Pad

Just a few questions also,

Can You Just clone 1 in a dome, or do you have to have a lot?

Is there something you can dip the clone(in rockwool) in something to kill any bugs in the rw? if any before planting?

should you soak the rw first, if so how long?

how wet are the rw cubes supposed to be?

thanks everyone!!!:peace:
here watch this video it might help youout. good luck
You dont have to soak them in anything.If u got rapid rooter plugs then they should be moist already.All u have to do is cut a branch any branch it doesnt have to be 3rd node up.(I usually cut the lower branches for cloning since they will be popcorn buds anyway.)Dip into the rooting gel and mist with your spray bottle while they are in the dome.By 7-10 days you should see roots coming out the bottom.


Active Member
You dont have to soak them in anything.If u got rapid rooter plugs then they should be moist already.All u have to do is cut a branch any branch it doesnt have to be 3rd node up.(I usually cut the lower branches for cloning since they will be popcorn buds anyway.)Dip into the rooting gel and mist with your spray bottle while they are in the dome.By 7-10 days you should see roots coming out the bottom.

thanks to both of you,

the only thing left to ask is then what do you fill your tray with, anything or really just mist only, I only ask to make sure cause a friend doesn't mist, just keeps an inch or so of water, but the ph being 5.5 is that right or???? i dont need the cloning sloution anymore, just the gel?



all u nee is water in a glass and a little foil roots grow natural in about 7 to 14 days lots of methods but this works best
u really dont need the heating pad or to leave water in the tray with solution.U can give it a justa misting.Thats the method i use and recommend.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
u really dont need the heating pad or to leave water in the tray with solution.U can give it a justa misting.Thats the method i use and recommend.
the water in the trayis to keep the humidity up. humidity is the biggest part to cloneing...:hump:


Active Member
Ok, so here are some pics, I just cloned 5 from a Diablo plant. So the hygrometer reads 81% humidity, that should be ok, yeah? And all I did was cut at a 45 degree angle, cut all the nodes off, i actually used mygirls method of using a razor blade and cut slices into the stem, dipped in clone gel, then into the plugs, I added some water, bout 1/2 inch to bottom for humidity, and hopefully in a week or so, I'll have 5 clones ready to go.

thanks all for your words...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
they look good. keep us updated..good luck. just keep the inside of the dome as humid as possibal.the wetter the dome the better.... keeping the inside dome wet like that all the time with out misting is how i clone mine. i just cut sum clones myself saterday.well see hows does what first... :hump: ill post sum pics 2morrow.


Active Member
just keep the inside of the dome as humid as possibal.the wetter the dome the better.... keeping the inside dome wet like that all the time with out misting is how i clone mine.

Thanks, the hum is 86% now, and I am going to clone my other plant tomorrow, just because I need to cut some shit off cause i had to spray for thrips, and most of the leaves turned rusty, now yellowish.

How do you get the dome to stay humid like that, i have to spray?:shock:

And do you burp the dome once or twice a day?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Thanks, the hum is 86% now, and I am going to clone my other plant tomorrow, just because I need to cut some shit off cause i had to spray for thrips, and most of the leaves turned rusty, now yellowish.

How do you get the dome to stay humid like that, i have to spray?:shock:

And do you burp the dome once or twice a day?
as long as there is a little bit of water in the tray. i keep the water leavel just above the ribs in the tray. im useing 3 cfl's 23 wtts each = to 100 wtt each plus 3 65 wtt plant lights to keepthe heat at 77 degrees running light 24/0. keep the light close enough to the dome to keep it sweaty. and no i don't take the dome off till i see roots.

