Transplanting Troubles, will they be ok?


I have just transplanted my 2 1/2 week old plants. Used a flexible knife to cut around the jiffy pot... took the plants out and looks like i cut out some roots while at it. some stayed in the jiffy pot.. will they be ok?

and 1 of the plants, the soil was a bit to dry so the top couple inches of soil came off and i could see up the roots with the plant not being solid at all.. had to break the jiffy pot in order to transplant it.. hope it will be ok?...


Well-Known Member
I have just transplanted my 2 1/2 week old plants. Used a flexible knife to cut around the jiffy pot... took the plants out and looks like i cut out some roots while at it. some stayed in the jiffy pot.. will they be ok?

and 1 of the plants, the soil was a bit to dry so the top couple inches of soil came off and i could see up the roots with the plant not being solid at all.. had to break the jiffy pot in order to transplant it.. hope it will be ok?...
Im sure they will be fine assuming you gave them a good watering after the transplant. I had a couple roots break during one of my transplants. The plant bounced back better then ever. Maybe delayed growth but nothing major to kill it off. Time will tell. Be patient and good luck