For the Obama Kool-Aid drinkers


Well-Known Member
All scary stuff...nonetheless, not shocking. There is nothing that could possibly happen in this four year term that will shock me.


Active Member
'if you don't believe that obama is the spawn of satan then you are no better than a mindless drone in a suicide cult.' that what we're supposed to take away from this thread?

anyway that must have all been true because the music was really scary.


Well-Known Member
Marx and Stalin are quite very different.... The world has never seen a Marxist society. Lenin took Marx's ideas on Communism and reinvented them into the Communism we know today. Stalin just made it famous.

I really dont like Obama, too many failed campaign promises so far. Wouldnt suprise me if he was a commie tho! This country is outta control. It wont be long before they start to lock us up and exterminate us. Jefferson said we should have a revolution every 20 years....we are well over 200 past due. Lol :joint:

jeff f

New Member
dont know about the video, havent researched any of the facts, could be true, maybe not. HOWEVER, this fucker scares the hell out of me. as a twenty year active duty vet, i dont remember signing up to defend any of this nonsense. ie business seizures, bank bailouts, calling out private citizens for disagreeing with his highness(joe the plumber), congress signing kazzillions of $ away without even reading the bill, seriously contemplating indictments of previous officials for policy disagreements? scary times my brothers and sisters, scary times...


Well-Known Member
Nah I am not anyones Kool-aid drinker, but the thing about Obama is that although he is confined and doing a lot of things the way they have been done in the past, he is trying to make changes for the better. The whole redistributed wealth this is not something that anyone for a looong time has been accused of that sits in the Oval office.

dont know about the video, havent researched any of the facts, could be true, maybe not. HOWEVER, this fucker scares the hell out of me. as a twenty year active duty vet, i dont remember signing up to defend any of this nonsense. ie business seizures, bank bailouts, calling out private citizens for disagreeing with his highness(joe the plumber), congress signing kazzillions of $ away without even reading the bill, seriously contemplating indictments of previous officials for policy disagreements? scary times my brothers and sisters, scary times...

Thank you for being one of the brave and protecting the countries interests.

But all the things you have listed have been around since the great depression. The FED's job is to take over banks that are bankrupt and turn them over, aside from the stable 40's-50's-60's-very early70's when there was a ton of banking regulation the fed has had its hands full turning over banks like they are bedsheets.

I am too young to know about it, but the whole McCarthyism thing, anti-hippy movement, civil rights movement, reek of the people in power getting all over the people speaking out. Joe the plumber got off lucky that it was Obama in my opinion.

I am not saying that Obama is a great man, (look at the firing of attorny general thread, or all the people he had to step on to get into the senate) but he is better for the regular person than we have had in my lifetime.

If nothing else our country is not going to change. The people still have the power to vote. If we could get smarter and vote in the best people (even if they are ugly as sin) and not the best faces that tell us what we want to hear it would be a lot better.



Well-Known Member
dont know about the video, havent researched any of the facts, could be true, maybe not. HOWEVER, this fucker scares the hell out of me. as a twenty year active duty vet, i dont remember signing up to defend any of this nonsense. ie business seizures, bank bailouts, calling out private citizens for disagreeing with his highness(joe the plumber), congress signing kazzillions of $ away without even reading the bill, seriously contemplating indictments of previous officials for policy disagreements? scary times my brothers and sisters, scary times...
Wait, you mean our elected representatives know how to read?

Now that's actually news to me. I thought they were still using picture books.

jeff f

New Member
"The whole redistributed wealth this is not something that anyone for a looong time has been accused of that sits in the Oval office."

my point exactly. in the words of elmer fudd, "scawy, berry berry scawy.

and speaking of the hippy movement, what year exactly did the hippies go from hating everything about government and wanting to be left alone, to now in office and loving everything about the gov't? that was a very interesting turn of attitude.


Well-Known Member
my point exactly. in the words of elmer fudd, "scawy, berry berry scawy.

and speaking of the hippy movement, what year exactly did the hippies go from hating everything about government and wanting to be left alone, to now in office and loving everything about the gov't? that was a very interesting turn of attitude.
I was saying that as a good change! I would rather have someone looking out for the lower seats at the table then just looking at the big kids chairs.

And that change I think happened around Clinton and his infamous cigar and the Obama election.


Well-Known Member
Nah I am not anyones Kool-aid drinker, but the thing about Obama is that although he is confined and doing a lot of things the way they have been done in the past, he is trying to make changes for the better. The whole redistributed wealth this is not something that anyone for a looong time has been accused of that sits in the Oval office.

But all the things you have listed have been around since the great depression. The FED's job is to take over banks that are bankrupt and turn them over, aside from the stable 40's-50's-60's-very early70's when there was a ton of banking regulation the fed has had its hands full turning over banks like they are bedsheets.

I am too young to know about it, but the whole McCarthyism thing, anti-hippy movement, civil rights movement, reek of the people in power getting all over the people speaking out. Joe the plumber got off lucky that it was Obama in my opinion.
Mental Illness. Obama and this Government is the worst thing to happen to everyone single person in America EVER. Bush is scum as well. The 23 +trillion stolen so far confirms that.

Goldman is at the center of the debate over regulation of too-big-to-fail institutions that benefited from what was estimated this week to be a $23.7 trillion bailout of the financial system. Even President Barack Obama singled out the firm when talking of the need for change on Wall Street.

You better learn what the FED really is. It is as federal as Federal Express.


Well-Known Member
You are Mentally Ill. Obama and this Government is the worst thing to happen to everyone single person in America EVER. Bush is scum as well. The 23 +trillion stolen so far confirms that.

Goldman is at the center of the debate over regulation of too-big-to-fail institutions that benefited from what was estimated this week to be a $23.7 trillion bailout of the financial system. Even President Barack Obama singled out the firm when talking of the need for change on Wall Street.

You better learn what the FED really is. It is as federal as Federal Express.
why do you need to insult everyone? it starts with your thread titles. i think you can stop with all the "retard" stuff now. thanks. :peace:


Well-Known Member
why do you need to insult everyone? it starts with your thread titles. i think you can stop with all the "retard" stuff now. thanks. :peace:
Eugenics is Mentally ill. When people say that others need to die simply because of climate change, over population, and ect. That in my honest opinion is Mental Illness. I called noone a "retard" just stating that some of the ideas are insane. I must ask what is wrong with my thread titles?:hug:


Well-Known Member
I really don't care if I get called retarded. Because when stupid crap like that is in his posts you have to consider the source! The back and forth is fun and can be informitive otherwise I wouldn't waste my time on these things.

Mental Illness. Obama and this Government is the worst thing to happen to everyone single person in America EVER. Bush is scum as well. The 23 +trillion stolen so far confirms that.

Goldman is at the center of the debate over regulation of too-big-to-fail institutions that benefited from what was estimated this week to be a $23.7 trillion bailout of the financial system. Even President Barack Obama singled out the firm when talking of the need for change on Wall Street.

You better learn what the FED really is. It is as federal as Federal Express.

1. I would put Slavery or Killing off most of the Native Americans as the worst thing for America ever.

“Now, there are some companies, like Goldman Sachs, that have paid the money back and that means that we don’t have the same kind of levers on them that we might have,” Obama said during an interview on PBS earlier this week. “And that’s why I think it’s important to pass this broader financial regulatory reform package.”
What about that statement is false? The government is now in the position with goldman that it was prior to the bank collapse (and eventually all the other banks when we get paid back with interest making your 'stolen' remark even more rediculous).

On top of that, much of Goldman’s systemic risk stems from its big role in derivatives markets. With outstanding derivatives contracts with a notional value of $48 trillion, Goldman trails only JPMorgan Chase & Co. with $81.1 trillion and Bank of America Corp. with $77 trillion in contracts, according to Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
You do get that they are about to give $11 billion dollars in bonuses for 1/2 a year. And I do know that the term Bonus should be commission and don't really have an issue with it. But that money is being paid off of things that are completely unstable. It is just like the way the quickloans guys started this mess. The "Who cares about the future we can make our money now attitude" needs to be kept in check so these guys don't manufacture another collapse to make trillions more off of it.

And all that money that they 'make' is lost investments of other people most of which is here in the u.s. Some is legit loans/bonds but in a collapsing market the majority is not.


Well-Known Member
I really don't care if I get called retarded. Because when stupid crap like that is in his posts you have to consider the source! The back and forth is fun and can be informitive otherwise I wouldn't waste my time on these things.

Mental Illness. Obama and this Government is the worst thing to happen to everyone single person in America EVER. Bush is scum as well. The 23 +trillion stolen so far confirms that.

Goldman is at the center of the debate over regulation of too-big-to-fail institutions that benefited from what was estimated this week to be a $23.7 trillion bailout of the financial system. Even President Barack Obama singled out the firm when talking of the need for change on Wall Street.

You better learn what the FED really is. It is as federal as Federal Express.

1. I would put Slavery or Killing off most of the Native Americans as the worst thing for America ever.

“Now, there are some companies, like Goldman Sachs, that have paid the money back and that means that we don’t have the same kind of levers on them that we might have,” Obama said during an interview on PBS earlier this week. “And that’s why I think it’s important to pass this broader financial regulatory reform package.”
What about that statement is false? The government is now in the position with goldman that it was prior to the bank collapse (and eventually all the other banks when we get paid back with interest making your 'stolen' remark even more rediculous).

On top of that, much of Goldman’s systemic risk stems from its big role in derivatives markets. With outstanding derivatives contracts with a notional value of $48 trillion, Goldman trails only JPMorgan Chase & Co. with $81.1 trillion and Bank of America Corp. with $77 trillion in contracts, according to Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
You do get that they are about to give $11 billion dollars in bonuses for 1/2 a year. And I do know that the term Bonus should be commission and don't really have an issue with it. But that money is being paid off of things that are completely unstable. It is just like the way the quickloans guys started this mess. The "Who cares about the future we can make our money now attitude" needs to be kept in check so these guys don't manufacture another collapse to make trillions more off of it.

And all that money that they 'make' is lost investments of other people most of which is here in the u.s. Some is legit loans/bonds but in a collapsing market the majority is not.


Well-Known Member
I really don't care if I get called retarded. Because when stupid crap like that is in his posts you have to consider the source! The back and forth is fun and can be informitive otherwise I wouldn't waste my time on these things.

What about that statement is false? The government is now in the position with goldman that it was prior to the bank collapse (and eventually all the other banks when we get paid back with interest making your 'stolen' remark even more rediculous).
Yes everything is fine and the government loves you.


Well-Known Member
Yes everything is fine and the government loves you.
Nah, the government could careless about me. And I like it that way. As long as I can be a faceless entity I can get away with pretty much any freedom I want to. But they do love to make money. And without a strong economy that won't happen because they will get voted out of office again (like republicans the last few years) and next time we might get smart and start voting in people with actual degrees that are not lawyers. But you know how I feel about that.


New Member
I just don't get the stretch from "the little red church on the hill" to Pol Pot and the murder of millions, but I guess I'd have to be one of those "genious" righties to make that stretch. Yes, Obama is taking the country to the left of center. Don't you think after 60+ years of right side swing it is needed? It will balance out. We need this single payer medical to give relief to citizens and corporations alike. It will be the single most helpful thing to be done to the economy since Roosevelt put in the new deal. Yes, by taking medical out of the hands of insurance moguls and HMOs, we can restore balance to health care. don't be scared by all the crap the Insurance companies are throwing out there, it will make health care much better. Whichever insurance companies weather the storm, they will be much leaner and will have to compete with the single payer which will make them better, and you'll get much more bang for your buck. Obamas plan allows for everyone that wants to, to keep their old insurance. You'll see rates plummet, and co-pays dissapear, the insurance companies worst nightmare. Hang in with Obama for a little longer. Dont be afraid boys and girls, there will still be enough paranoia to go around, being spread by all those idiotic righties.


Well-Known Member
I just don't get the stretch from "the little red church on the hill" to Pol Pot and the murder of millions, but I guess I'd have to be one of those "genious" righties to make that stretch. Yes, Obama is taking the country to the left of center. Don't you think after 60+ years of right side swing it is needed? It will balance out. We need this single payer medical to give relief to citizens and corporations alike. It will be the single most helpful thing to be done to the economy since Roosevelt put in the new deal. Yes, by taking medical out of the hands of insurance moguls and HMOs, we can restore balance to health care. don't be scared by all the crap the Insurance companies are throwing out there, it will make health care much better. Whichever insurance companies weather the storm, they will be much leaner and will have to compete with the single payer which will make them better, and you'll get much more bang for your buck. Obamas plan allows for everyone that wants to, to keep their old insurance. You'll see rates plummet, and co-pays dissapear, the insurance companies worst nightmare. Hang in with Obama for a little longer. Dont be afraid boys and girls, there will still be enough paranoia to go around, being spread by all those idiotic righties.
Zbigniew Brzezinski One of the MAIN handlers of Obama. He brags in one of his books about funding Pol Pot's killing of 3 million people. Look no further then Canada or the UK for the health care plan because that is what you will get. Everyone needs to break the whole right left thing it is RETARDED. If you want to choose sides choose between Right vs Wrong.