If I wanted to grow mushrooms


Well-Known Member
Where would I look, and look for a beginners guide for growing them? Stuff to cover the basics until I read more advanced stuff


Active Member
ive ben curious bout this too...got a grip of good shrooms from a friend and i was wondering about growing them....ill peep that site!


Well-Known Member
Yeah that site has sections for all skill levels. You should be able to follow the directions..And there are a lot of people on there that are knolegeable people there. But be careful, some on there only think they know what they are talking about..And mushrooms are to be taken seriously.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the quick responses. the reason i asked is because where I work, they have a pressure cooker and canning jars on sale, with the beveled edge


Well-Known Member
Do a torrent search for, "Let's Grow Mushrooms." This is a really good video guide with a few hours of dudes showing you what to do. When you have questions or problems the shroomery is the place to go.


Well-Known Member
Do a torrent search for, "Let's Grow Mushrooms." This is a really good video guide with a few hours of dudes showing you what to do. When you have questions or problems the shroomery is the place to go.
Yeah thats a great video. The guy who made it is actually a mod on shroomery.


Well-Known Member
Shrooms are awesome.
My wife absolutely loves it when i'm on shrooms.
I always get the giggles pretty bad. It's a great time.
The last time I got some however they were fresh and I really didn't get a buzz.
Does anyone know if they have too be dried to be effective.


Active Member
jesus christ.. i was on that site for 20 minutes... growing shrooms looks fucking hard... i bet i could understand it if i took the time to research it like i did weed... but fuck it looks confusing


Well-Known Member
its not that hard, and it goes alot quicker than weed. best thing is that spores are legal, so no worrying like with seeds. i just found it to be inconistent. i had a whole garage dedicated at one point. was using rubbermaid bins full of horseshit and was spawning with birdseed. some batches i would have ounces and ounces and sometimes they wouldnt give me shit...... man those were the days. wish i stil had pics, i let a couple bins just grow and grow and i had fucking caps bigger than my hands and stems over a foot long. thats no shit. they still were decently potent at that size also, but the dropped spores really made them a mess so i threw away most.


Well-Known Member
the only reason they look hard to grow is because of all the new terms and lingo and abbreviations. once you learn the glossary, it's pretty simple, basically all sterilization, patience, and humidity.


Well-Known Member
the only reason they look hard to grow is because of all the new terms and lingo and abbreviations. once you learn the glossary, it's pretty simple, basically all sterilization, patience, and humidity.
Generally how long would you say start to finish?