For the Obama Kool-Aid drinkers


Well-Known Member
Obama is not a good president, by far ron paul should have won, BUT I DO NOT BELIEVE any of this bullshit it's all just some conspiracy crap


Well-Known Member
Zbigniew Brzezinski One of the MAIN handlers of Obama. He brags in one of his books about funding Pol Pot's killing of 3 million people. Look no further then Canada or the UK for the health care plan because that is what you will get. Everyone needs to break the whole right left thing it is RETARDED. If you want to choose sides choose between Right vs Wrong.
Again wrong, look at Frances healthcare system for what the Obama plan is trying to get to. Again the France plan is the number 1 in the world, while we are in the 30's. And fyi Canada: 30, Uk 18, USA: 37. If we could get up to the UK it would be a large improvement. But why stop there we are a country that should shoot for the top in the world.

And I am not ignoring what you said about that dude, but as I have not read his book or have a clue who he is I cant comment on it. But most of what people say people said in their books is misquoted and mangled into all kinds of crazy.


Well-Known Member
Hah if you want to post the same thing in two places I will do the same!
The "30th ranking" was devised by people who hate America as much as you. Go Hannibal!
HOLY CRAP! I didn't know I hated America, so thank you for letting me know!

It was 37, and also done over and over again by different rating agencies to 'disprove' it but they kept coming up with the same numbers.

Just because people are willing to admit mistakes in order to learn and improve doesn't mean you hate it.

I don't think Einstein hated math, but he worked constantly to figure out the actual reason for things and while doing so dispelled many mistakes on the way. That is called progress, which you can't do if you just sit there pissing and moaning about people hatnig america.

In fact screw it I will follow your logic of just branding shit for the heck of it.

You hate America because you don't want to see us improve the broken systems that we dump too much money into.


Well-Known Member
Again wrong, look at Frances healthcare system for what the Obama plan is trying to get to. Again the France plan is the number 1 in the world, while we are in the 30's. And fyi Canada: 30, Uk 18, USA: 37. If we could get up to the UK it would be a large improvement. But why stop there we are a country that should shoot for the top in the world.

And I am not ignoring what you said about that dude, but as I have not read his book or have a clue who he is I cant comment on it. But most of what people say people said in their books is misquoted and mangled into all kinds of crazy.
July 22, 2009

One Step Closer to Losing Your Right to Health Care

Rich Hrebic
[FONT=times new roman,times]Isn't the point of the Democrats' push to reform the health care system based on establishing health care as a right? That's what the politicians say of course. But in reality the result will be the exact opposite.

[FONT=times new roman,times]Part of the problem is that most Americans don't understand what a right is. A right is not a guarantee that the government (i.e., other people) will provide you something for free. We have the right to engage in religious expression, but that doesn't mean that the government pays for the construction of the church. We have the right to peacefully assemble, but the government doesn't promise to supply your transportation. You have the right to keep and bear arms, but don't expect the government to provide you with a free firearm and bullets. You have the right to free speech, but the government won't grant you free radio or TV air time. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]What makes something a right is not whether the government can force somebody else to pay for it. What defines something as a right is whether the government can or cannot prohibit you from doing it. (President Obama notoriously [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]called[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] these "negative liberties".) If the government can't stop you from doing it, then it's a right. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]We have a right to religious expression because the government is prohibited from suppressing that expression. We have the right to assemble because the government must allow us to do so. We can speak freely because the government cannot censor us. Nor can the government take away law-abiding citizens' firearms. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]The House of Representatives' health care bill would give the federal government control over what kind of health care you will have access to. Private alternatives to the government plan will become economically unviable, leaving the government plan as a de facto monopoly. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Because the Democrats are promising universal health care, demand for health care will skyrocket. Because they also promise to control costs, doctors will leave the system and seek more profitable lines of work elsewhere. The result of increased demand and decreased supply means one thing: rationing. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]In order to distribute scarcer and scarcer health care resources to larger numbers of patients, the government will have to determine who to treat and who to turn away. By adopting any such rationing scheme, the government is implicitly assuming the power to prohibit people from receiving health care. Some people will have to wait and suffer for months to be treated. Others, based on what the government determines according to cost and other factors such as how old you are, will be denied certain medical procedures out right. This prohibition -- whether temporary or permanent -- is a de-facto infringement on the individual right to health care. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Some may argue that current private insurance plans ration access to health care as well. Yet this is nothing more than justifying bad behavior by pointing out other bad behavior. The American health care system certainly needs to be reformed. This isn't the way to do it. [/FONT]


Well-Known Member
Hah if you want to post the same thing in two places I will do the same!
And you know more than these guys?......’s-reaction-to-house-tri-committee-bill/

Mayo Clinic’s reaction to House Tri-Committee bill

Although there are some positive provisions in the current House Tri-Committee bill – including insurance for all and payment reform demonstration projects – the proposed legislation misses the opportunity to help create higher-quality, more affordable health care for patients. In fact, it will do the opposite.
In general, the proposals under discussion are not patient focused or results oriented. Lawmakers have failed to use a fundamental lever – a change in Medicare payment policy – to help drive necessary improvements in American health care. Unless legislators create payment systems that pay for good patient results at reasonable costs, the promise of transformation in American health care will wither. The real losers will be the citizens of the United States.


Well-Known Member
Should we try to keep this on one thread, I vote this one, but its up to you.

Sigh* I do agree with this. We need to do more, but staying the same is stupid, at least we are moving in the right direction.

Do you not get what they mean by they seem to be suggesting that somesort of nationalized healthcare is needed that forces people (and it is not a bad idea on paper) to do things like lose weight, quit smoking, and getting regular checkups.

This plan should be the republican plan, the Dems should be trying to get what the mayo clinic thinks should be done into law, but there we are, we have a pyramid with at the very top of it on the right is republican and the left is demacrat. We all are way down at the bottom (people) with the more money you have the higher up the pyramid you are leaning one way or the other.

Eventually it is so thin up there that very little seperates the sides.