The "Explain your name" thread

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
My son is called Benjamin and when he was a little baby we called him Benjamin- Wenjamin -woo ( I know....) So he then became Mr Woo, we have called him that for nearly four years now, but he is the WOOMEISTER!!! You could never guess that we smoke!
calling him a name like that i would say your smoking something. lol
just kidding


Well-Known Member
I got my name from an old AIM friend that I met via a message board called He was from a message board called and we met in a chat room of the assorted members(yes it is lame, but continues) He started calling me Pnug, which im guessing is a mesh of the first letter of my name and the word "nug". I've been calling myself that for 4 or 5, maybe 6 years now.
Pronounced Pee-nug.
and this name was not long enough for so I added "gle": Pnuggle.

lame... but the truth :joint:


Well-Known Member
I got my name from an old AIM friend that I met via a message board called He was from a message board called and we met in a chat room of the assorted members(yes it is lame, but continues) He started calling me Pnug, which im guessing is a mesh of the first letter of my name and the word "nug". I've been calling myself that for 4 or 5, maybe 6 years now.
Pronounced Pee-nug.
and this name was not long enough for so I added "gle": Pnuggle.

lame... but the truth :joint:
thats all I can ask for.... the truth.
thanks :peace:


well im from chi-town and i love smoking. so i put that togather.


Active Member
Way back in the day, I used to make Hardcore techno under the name of Vitus Syndrome. Got that from a disorder called the St. Vitus dance that makes your arms and legs move uncontrollably and it looks like your dancing. Since I made Hardcore meant to be used at a rave I figured it was appropriate.


Well-Known Member
yea i saw..jesus..there gorgeous man.. how old is betty?
thank you thank you

And I think you mean to say Debbie :hump:
Im just glad Debbie didnt see you type betty. You know how girls are when you call them by the wrong name. :evil:

Haha, anyways, I went back and looked. I cloned Debbie from her mother on april 12..... 4/12/09
So by my math thats about 3 1/2 months in the Grow Room.



Well-Known Member
Tahoe .... one of my favorite places ..... my horse ..... and lots a awesome memories .... '58 cuz that's when I was born ....



Well-Known Member
yaaa tahoe another sexy avi...
is that the same women that was ridein that macanic. bull?