Plants won't grow


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I dont have any pics cause I killed the plants, but man I have been having nothing but bad luck on my last four seeds...the two I killed off today were 21 days old and looked like they were only 4-5 days old...they only had the first single set of leaves then one other set trying to grow...leaves are light green and the cotelidons (sp?) went yellow like a couple of weeks before. I had two other seeds do this a couple of weeks ago and had to kill them off. I am using the same soil I used when I successfully grew two plants back in the spring, but I cannot get anything to grow now...temps are fine in my micro case, PH levels are fine in the mid 6s, i'm not adding any nutes...i seriously feel like I am a one hit wonder as my first grow came out pretty awesome...but i cant do anything total I've had to trash 8 plants over the last two months. :evil:

Very frustrating... I had four greats plants at 22 days back in June...but they all turned out basically two months of wasted effort....ugh!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like bad luck, although i personally would not reuse soil.
I no its possible but nothing like a fresh piece right.
Yellowing could be a sign of lack of nitrogen!
Also if you can always go for feminised seeds if poss.


Well-Known Member
hey gluck...thanks for the reply...

i was not very clear as i reread my using "same soil" I meant same brand...not the actual same soil...sorry about that. It's a brand called Hyponix, and as I wrote it served me quite well back in the spring...i may switch to Scotts or MG Moisture control (no one near me sells Fox Farms) when my next three seeds germinate...and I am using bag seed so this may all come down to really bad genetics, although my first successful grow was bag seed too.

I dont really know from where i can trust to order femmed seeds...


Well-Known Member
hi mate, yer sorry about the reuse situation. stoned as per usuall.
To be honest ive only ever used biobizz allmix or lightmix although i prefer the 1st. I know alot of people on here recomend the fox farm, although i havnt used it.
Bagseed can be quite dodgy, my first seeds were bagshit and 90% were trannys.
Are you in us or europe?


Well-Known Member
hey neura...i'm in the US...yeah my first two bagseeds turned out quite sweet...very nice buzz...since then absolutely no love from the ole bagseed...but i have some more working as i write this...i'm such a stoner, yesterday i found a hydro store less than 1.5 miles from where i live d'oh!!! and they have foxfarms i will be investing next week in a new bag-o-dirt...and nicely the hydro store is right next to a new strip club...that spells trouble right there!! peace :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Are you starting your seedlings in cups?

That hyponex soil is crap. It's been crap and it'll always be crap.

What mixture did you use for the soil? Just that hyponex shit or did you add perlite/vermiculite?

If you go and you get FFOF you have to beware with seedlings. I suggest planting seedlings in plain ol' potting soil first. The nutes in the FFOF might be a bit strong for your little girls.


Well-Known Member
hey laserbrn, thanks for the input...i am starting to agree with your take on hyponix (I had two bags that were littered with fungus gnats)'s just that my first grows did great in it...and i wanted to avoid MG as I've read such bad shit about MG...and I had no other choice in my area (prior to my learning that a hydro store selling FF was down the street from me)...and as the hyponix has a small amount or perlite in it...i use it straight. well, not any more really...i'll be getting some potting soil and perlite and mix up my own crap come next week...cant do anything over the weekend...

and yes...seedlings are in cups with a humidity dome for the first week or so...then transplanted into a slightly larger container for a couple weeks before i move them into even larger containers...and not that large after all as i try to grow bonsai plants due to space big grow for me...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that hyponex soil is the WORST. Coloroda State University did a study and came out with warnings and "buyer bewares" about that soil.

Should be much better off with some decent soil (and fox farms is better than decent) and a good mix of perlite.

Why the extra transplant if they end up pretty small anyway? I would think that one transplant should do the trick. The extra shock and transplant seem unnecessary.


Well-Known Member
well, thats what i did in the past...the current ones were seeded in the little Glad size (if you're in the US) containers that cold cuts come in? You know those? Perhaps two cups of volume, maybe a bit more...then i transplant to larger ones, i think they're 1.5 liter containers, and they grow in those as I LST and FIM them, so only one transplant these days. I grow in a PC case and a 24"w x 30"h x 11"d two door cabinet in my closet...trying to get two staggered grows going so that I can consistently harvest 20-30 grams every 6 weeks or so...

i still need a seed source thats reliable and safe for US shipping...oh well

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
Hey all,

I dont have any pics cause I killed the plants, but man I have been having nothing but bad luck on my last four seeds...the two I killed off today were 21 days old and looked like they were only 4-5 days old...they only had the first single set of leaves then one other set trying to grow...leaves are light green and the cotelidons (sp?) went yellow like a couple of weeks before. I had two other seeds do this a couple of weeks ago and had to kill them off. I am using the same soil I used when I successfully grew two plants back in the spring, but I cannot get anything to grow now...temps are fine in my micro case, PH levels are fine in the mid 6s, i'm not adding any nutes...i seriously feel like I am a one hit wonder as my first grow came out pretty awesome...but i cant do anything total I've had to trash 8 plants over the last two months. :evil:

Very frustrating... I had four greats plants at 22 days back in June...but they all turned out basically two months of wasted effort....ugh!!!!
The same happened to me kinda of the main cola just wouldnt grow so i cut the main cola the top stem of the plant.
Then the branches grew instead an i got to main colas now.

Theres always feminised seeds for next time. They are 99% feminised worth taking a look at. I just got 3 males out of 12 plants on the grow im doing now it all goes down to luck.



Well-Known Member
I just read about too many lights on my seedling...i wonder if some of my probs have been too much light...i have one seedling in the cabinet with four 23W lights (1x6500, 3x2700)...hmmm


Well-Known Member
Im having similar problems with seeds lately. They grow so big then stretch then turn yellow and die. I have some sensi jack herer on the way and until I can get this figured out they wont be germed in there. I was using dirty 3inch pots and had some whiteberry die so I washed out the containers and planted bagseed to see how they'd do. They look good besides a bit of stretch and the leaves should be bigger and growing. They look kind of small.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I just read about too many lights on my seedling...i wonder if some of my probs have been too much light...i have one seedling in the cabinet with four 23W lights (1x6500, 3x2700)...hmmm
Did you test the PH? Soil mixes will vary from one batch to another.

And I would wait to transplant, until the plant has a healthy root system, and it's out growing it's current container. Past performance isn't indicative of future results


Well-Known Member
Oh man, if it's just a little seedling it only needs on of the lights at the start.

Check out my current grow log and you'll see I had a similar problem using T5HO's though. Too much light burned my little leaves and caused really slow growth. Moved the light WAY up and they started acting like normal plants. With CFL's and seedlings I would stick to one light per plant until it starts to look stretchy.


Well-Known Member
@greencross: yeah, PH is good...i water with PHed (6.5) filtered water, and the runoff is dead on: 6.5. And my current seedling definitely will not be trans-ed until she gets quite a bit bigger...prolly 3 weeks or so...and so true about past performance...hehe. I tell my wife that all the time :-)

laser: well then, that decides it...I'll shut out two of those lights when i get home and see how she does over the weekend.

thanks all for the i need safe US seed sources...i'm tired of bagseed pot luck <--see what i did there, d'oh? :-)


EDIT: typos