People can mispeak, or get trapped by stupid questions, or misquoted, or just outright lie about what was said. Written word is the only way I will belive something (other than video that is uncut and full and prepared).
Besides actions speak louder than words and all that.
If you misspeak it is a result of not knowing what the fuck you are talking about, or due to stupidity. Or, because you don't truly believe what you are saying. If you believe what you are saying you are going to be consistent in what you say, and thus will not misspeak.
It is not the models that are 80-90% off, economists agree that raising costs (taxes) will bring slow growth. If the politicians are talking they are the ones that are distorting the numbers. And if the economists that are hired are making the numbers fit what the politicians make them say they will be then it still falls onto the politician for not letting the guy do what he is supposed to do and listen.
You're right, the models are more like 300 - 400% off.
Too many variables, not enough computing power...
But most will just fire them, and the economist knows having a job is better than not because someone else is going to do it anyway.
I guess most economists like the taste of shit then, and are unprincipled mercenaries with out honor.
Reagan raised taxes and cut them several times. He would lower then they would run out and have to bring it back up. But what he did to get the inflation under control was to get unemployment up over 10%. Regardless, I stick by my statement about Obama.
Inflation or Deflation does not have anything to do with unemployment.
In the case of Reagan's success against inflation, it was the fact that he actively discouraged inflation by increasing interest rates, or urging the fed to raise them.
Inflation results from an increase in the money supply... too much money chasing too few goods, if interest rates are low, and thus credit is easy to get, you are going to have inflationary pressure, when interest rates are higher and credit more difficult to get then there will be either no inflationary pressure, or deflationary pressure. mcculley bubble&st=cse
There is the link to an article he wrote that they say he advocated the housing bubble. I read it not that this is what should be done, but what the Fed could do to snap back the recession of 02. But at the same time saying that anything is going to get bad. I think he was right the path we were going on there was going to be another dip (we are in it now) before things could get better. And by increasing housing purchases it would delay the inevitable.
It was a stupid idea, creating another bubble to fix a bubble is not a real solution. The real solution is to step aside and let the markets correct themselves.
But those are not the questions that economics answers. They can come up with the decision that would fit their personal feelings and desires, but it would always be slanted towards their beliefs. Now if you got a room full of many types of scientists (econ, doctors, sociologists, urban developement, healthcare) that would be able to go trhough every possible situation they could think of and professional insite and then come up with the best possible decision.
Actually, those questions are at the heart of economics. You can not have economics with out political theory. Any economic theory that ignores political reality will fail, any political theory that ignores economic realities will fail.
But one person will almost always get it wrong in another persons eyes.
I would rather see 4 medium breaks a year instead of 1 ultra long (summer) 1 medium (winter) and 1 short (spring). Between each semester a month off. This way your not halting a class in the middle and expecting them to be able to pick up right were they left off after the break.
It's a way of separating the wheat from the chaff. Those that are intelligent will retain most of the knowledge over the summer, and those that are not will forget it.
Besides, the classes are typically designed to fit into each semester, or have clear components that fit into each semester, and thus there is no interruption in the middle.
The rest added up to this so I hope you dont mind if I just sum it up here.
If you think about what benefits the wealthy get from the lower classes in regards to taxes they get far more benefit. They make money off of the workers they employ. So the money that goes to roads means that their goods can travel faster and better, meaning that thier trucks wont need to be repaired as much, and thier workers can be at work on time. Same with electricity, even healthcare.
If the employees were not depriving benefit themselves they would not work. Everyone benefits, and obviously as with out the roads the employees would have no jobs to go to, or would not be able to sustain employment for long periods of time, and thus would often suffer from hunger, then it is they who are getting the majority of the benefit.
If I have an employee that is sick I can't make any money off of them. So it is better for me that they get cured up so they can get back to work and make me money.
Yes, you enjoy slavery, your posts make that abundantly clear.
If people are sick, or injured through their own personal actions then it should not be the obligation of everyone else to pay for their stupidity. If some one is drunk and gets into wrecks repeatedly then insurance companies should have the right to refuse coverage, because it is costing everyone else more to allow them to be in the benefit pool.
Or, if they want to charge extra premiums, they should have that right.
Instead of trying for an imbecilic one-size fits all system, like the current legislation is attempting to do, the market should be free to match individual needs, wants and costs as closely as is desired by both the individuals and the insurance companies.
The wealthier person is able to then turn all the extra money that they don't have to spend (much higher amount of money is able to be used to reinvest) on ways to make money. Also things like state tax very much affect the poorer since they spend most of their money in stores meaning that almost every dollar they have is double taxed. While people that don't have to spend all of it don't have to double pay on the left over money.
Your arguments are stupid, socialist drivel.
And don't have the irrational beliefs of the far left. As I think you would know since I am very pro private business. I am just very pro logic and reason.
No, I don't see your logic, or your reason.
It fails the simple test of preserving humanity.
It is a system of slavery, and you are not pro-business, no more than you are pro-freedom.
You are pro-government and pro-slavery.
Sic Semper Tyrannis,
fall on your sword.
84k is not the wealthy that I am referring to, lets bump it up to 150k vs 50k.
84K is affluent, and in the top 25%, and illustrates my point just as well as 150%.
If you add up all the bills paid, the taxes that go to it, the taxes on everything that is bought, plates for your car on and on, all the things we end up paying taxes on (which I know you hate as well), and look at the actual percent of their salary of what is paid by the person at 50k, vs someone that makes 150k the totals will be in the benefit of the 150k.
They will have far more money left over to reinvest. And also they profit most off of the places that those taxes go to. Not to mention getting tax help and being able to use all the tax breaks that they are able to use.
But then again I am a Myridon right? I obviously had to have read this on some blog and took it as the truth (actually I did not, these ideas are formed from a lot of reading, searching, evaluating and doing the math myself).
I doubt it, you're repeating the same mindless drivel that is said on T.V.
Going with what 'feels' right in the face of disaster is not the best way to go about things. The best way is to do the math. If this happens now what do we stand to lose. If these companies are allowed to fail in the future what will the costs be. Which is less. Go that route. Not just assume that it is the best bet to let it fail right now.
Whatever, Myrmidon, you're ignoring humanity, but we've already established that your pro-government enslavement, so this should not be any surprise.
I never said that brought down AIG not sure where you got that. I was agreeing with you and saying that those scum were the ones that got the bonuses that everyone was crying about.
I could care less about their bonuses, especially if AIG was contractually obligated to deliver those bonuses, and I don't think it was the London Branch that was getting the bonuses that everyone was up in arms about.
If AIG was contractually obligated to pay those bonuses then the government had no right to interfere in that contract.
But the way it is going now they would just be more lawyers. I think a couple extra parties running for office would be very good. Libertarians, green, ect get some different viewpoints and more educated diverse people.
If we had 1 representative for every 30,000 people, I don't think we'd end up with more lawyers.
Yeah just to inflate their pocket books.
No I am saying that the non lawyers should be coming up with the ideas, and the lawyers that are in power now should be letting them know if it is within the constitution to do so. Now it is the lawyers in charge trying figuring out ways to get around the constitution with hardly regarding the science that would benefit the best change.
If you need a lawyer to tell you if something is unConstitutional you are a dumb ass.
The Constitution is very clear and concise in its language and not written in legalese.
Smaller doesn''t mean non-exsistent. We are paying more than enough to do the things needed, and wasting sooo much money on what isn't. We need to get out of peoples lives, but protect their interests.
The best way to protect their interests is to allow them to choose their own interests and get the hell out of the way instead of dictating to them what those interests are.
If a bailout is needed, do it, but get out and get paid back with interest.
Public money should not be given for private benefit.
The firms should have been allowed to collapse, regardless of the "consequences" which obviously were not averted by bailing those firms out.
3 Million additional jobs lost (if not more than that.)
Build a better school system, doesn't mean starting from scratch.
Yes, it does, sometimes you have to just dynamite the entire structure especially when the foundation is flawed.
If there is a good needed program already in place, make sure it is as efficient as possible even if it means putting it into the private sector.
Healthcare was efficient. Most people that don't have health insurance probably chose to have something else instead.
Pull money from areas that are unbenefitial (like the aircrafts they just scratched that have never even been flown)
National Defense is the only role that government should be involved in at the Federal Level.
Well, aside from coining money and ensuring a uniform system of bankruptcy laws, and making sure that the states are not waging economic war against each other.
and put it into health insurance.
The private system is fine.
Get rid of the bloat and there will be enough for everything that is needed. And if it is not needed scrap it. Stop fighting wars and instead invest in those countries and get the return from them as their economy builds.
The only duty the government has at a federal level is National Defense.
Besides, it would not be efficient for the government to invest tax dollars in foreign countries.
If businesses want to, then that is up to them.
But sending public money to foreign nations where it will not benefit the average citizen, but will instead harm them, by allowing for the usage of cheap labor is irrational.
We need to prune! The government is already too large. But that doesn't mean we should shut it down (I know your not this extreme) to pay as little as possible.
Prune it, what an understatement, we need to take a cutting, destroy the rotted carcass of the old, and plant a new federal government that follows the Constitution, and does not operate as a malignant virus that kills its host.
Bureaucrats are Parasites...
Well then take the 5 largest banks figure out the money costs from their collapse to the economy over the next 5 years, add into that all the side businesses that rely on them (down to the corner resturaunt) and figureout the amount of money that would have been left over after the sale (at the price people would have been willing/able to buy it) and you got the number.
The businesses that supposedly rely upon these banks are not dependent upon them. Any bank is interchangeable with any other bank, in the eyes of business. Their competently managed competitors would step in to fill the demand created by their collapse.
Your arguing absurdities.
I think that I like my way better, to do all the math and figure which is going to cost less money with the best outcome for the country the winner.
Yes, you would, myrmidon, it allows you to dictate what people have to do, just like the little statis that you are.
The problem is that it ignores all the individual desires of humanity. This is a nation of 300 Million individuals that are (or should be) independent, and by virtue of their individuality of individual desires, goals, wants and needs. Some of them, don't need health insurance, or want it.
Some of them could just be waiting until they decide that it benefits them more.
The government stated that the largest group was people in my age bracket, clearly then, it would demonstrate that perhaps like me these people are waiting until they have dependents to take care of to get health insurance, because they have decided that they are better able to use that money elsewhere.
The other group are probably entrepreneurs who are trying to operate their businesses, and thus are building those businesses, probably with the goal of being able to provide themselves with health insurance.
Your ideas fail when tested against humanities variances as individuals.
It is an objectivist view that ignores the fact that dealing with people demands subjectivity to pay attention to all their individual desires.
No I mean once this is over the greater public will go back to watching sitcoms instead of the news. Leaving the politicians to step off the frying pan. When that happens all the political will to get the changes done that are nessecary will be pushed out further. Instead of figuring out what needs to get done to save the most money and doing it right.
Here's a question for you, how much are the legal fees paid by the medical industry, and malpractice premiums paid by the medical industry.
How much do they amount to as a percentage of that spending, because they are no doubt included in the "costs" of our healthcare system.
The bests solution is probably to provide better protection for doctors against lawyers. If a doctor makes a mistake (as they are likely to do being humans and not machines) it is then logical to expect them to fix it with out a fee, and thus getting lawyers involved is a colossal waste of money. Yes, there are errors that can not be fixed, and those justify lawsuits, but a lot of stuff does not.
They have disclosure, it is just the politicians can't understand it so they want to get their clutches in deeper. Just like a public traded company. I like the intertwining of private and government though since it is the best way to have checks and balances. If it is just private with no regards to government then it can be more easily corrupted (the most important thing is profits, not the people that your supposed to be taking care of) and if it is just government it tends to become very bloated since it is not thier moeny they are playing with.
Yes, you would love FASCISM, and SOCIALISM.
Your mixing of private corporations with the government has lead to what probably should be called the most corrupt government on this planet. How many billions of dollars are given to campaigns by businesses.
Your system will collapse into tyranny and corruption, and thus fails.
But if they are going to want to pay the people less money than they are willing to take they will leave anyway. What we need is a more skilled workforce that can produce better and faster than anyone in the world in areas that no other country has the skills to be able to do it.
We already have that, to think we could maintain our advantage forever was unrealistic.
Especially when we are going to punish productivity and people that have acquired skills with higher taxes. Obviously they benefit society by being better skilled, thus it is irrational to punish them.
Their higher pay means they purchase more goods and services, that require more labor to make. Their consumption requires production, and production equals jobs.
Simple common sense.
And if by moving over there they can sell us the product at a lower price than all the jobs that were lost we would actually come out ahead as a society. And then we could retrain the people whos jobs are lost and get them into new fields of technology. Just like we did with clothing, we are far better off letting other countries like china make them for us.
Obviously, this idea hasn't benefitted the United States, and will not benefit the United States. Regardless of your ideas, some entry level jobs are necessary, otherwise individuals will not be able to climb up the ladder to success, as opposed to suck-Cess which is apparently the ladder that you are climbing with your anti-libertarian ideals.
Tariffs and protectionism works about as well as socialism. For 'people' socialism is a good thing, but it doesn't work.
Tell that to the workers at United States Steel.
Tell that to the workers in the Foreign-Owned Factories that are in the United States.
Reality demonstrates that your beliefs are wrong.
You cannot force companies to not have the same competition trhough tariffs.
The idea behind tariffs is not to eliminate competition, but to ensure that foreign corporations and foreign governments (as well as domestic governments) do not take jobs from inside the nation and ship them to foreign nations to pad their bottom lines.
It is to ensure that our domestic industries, and foreign industries compete on a level playing field.
There are people that will always be devistates by progress (horse saddle makers when cars came around) but in the long run the entire society is better off with trade than without.
If we aren't producing wealth, then we can't trade for anything.
You're wrong again, Myrmidon.
Trade, implies trade, one way flows of goods and services ultimately benefit no one.
Whoever can make the item cheapest should trade that.
That was an example, not a plan to follow myrmidon, I've read the same examples, and understand that they are just that, examples. They ignore reality, and ignore humanities individuality.
Just because some one can make the item the cheapest does not mean they should trade it. Maybe they don't want to make that item (having been sick of making that item over and over and over again) and want to do something else.
The economic example that you are pulling out of your textbooks is simplistic, and ignores reality.
It is a good idea, but it halts the free market.
So do taxes, but you seem to favor those, myrmidon.
Better to tax foreign goods come in, then domestic labor producing goods for domestic consumption.
As a country we will never be without the vital industries to protect our country.
You don't have a crystal ball, don't pretend like you do.
Did you not see the news about Northrup Grumman and EADS teaming up to produce tankers for the airforce. It is a short jump from there to foreign corporations dominating that market which should be served by American Corporations.
Did you not read the news regarding the motivations that Bush had behind using tariffs against foreign steel?
Steel is clearly a vital commodity for any nation seeking to defend itself, and thus to not use tariffs to create an even playing field (which American Productivity and Ingenuity is rewarded upon) is irrational.
And it doesn't prevent trade, it just alters the flow.
If we tax goods at 2.5% that are coming into our country then there is no "restriction" to trade (that cost would just be passed onto consumers) which might of course switch to domestically produced goods, and thus create more jobs, and more economic growth.
Tariffs are not this great evil thing that you are making them out to be, no more than deflation is.
Inflation is not this great requisite force for good that you were making it out to be.
Your economic models that you have in your head are too simplified.
We have too many resources. And unless they come by sea I am not afraid of canada or mexico declaring war on us in the next hundred years.
If we have too many resources, then it would be logical that we should be self-sufficient.
And if we really got smart we would realize that being the breadbasket of the world is more important than things like oil. People can't eat oil.
If we are unable to afford oil to grow the food then we are not going to be able to remain the breadbasket of the world.
Are you even thinking about what you are typing any more, myrmidon?
Definantly I will continue that one. I did not see where you said it was but I will continue to check on it. Hopefully that is not the case, but it is not something that is improbable.
It says it,
It even says it on that site you linked to.
Pry the scales off your eyes myrmidon