force flowering outside plants????

Weed MD

so earlier today i had posted about my plants. curious of about how long it wil take for flowering alot of people had given me advice to bring it in and put it under 12/12. i have been growing my plant outside for about 3-4 weeks now and someone had mentioned force flowering it. so my question being, is it possible to force flower a plant growing outside or is it rwally just a question of time? i dont necesarily want to bring it in but i guess if more advanced growers feel it would be the right thing to do i will.


Active Member
yes it works really well it fairly simple to do just have to maintain a constant schedule i have a post up in outdoor grow section of some of my pics of the forced flower lady the post is called "updated pics" all i do is put a 55 gallon drum over her at 630pm and when its 100% dark out i remove it. It's that simple just dont forget to do it and maintain that schedule i set an alrm so i don't forget lol. Good luck

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
i have been bringing plants inside at the same hour every night and then returning them outside once it's completely dark. you might want to try the 55 gal drum idea, since that sounds much easier, but be aware that you could end up with mold issues due to no air circulation and humidity.


Active Member
I brought mine in and put them in a closet by my back door. Easy. Gives me a chance to really check them out while i carry them.


Well-Known Member
I brought mine in and put them in a closet by my back door. Easy. Gives me a chance to really check them out while i carry them.
Are you guys trying to beat frost or something? why not let nature run its course? Im figuring late start but just was curious.

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
nraged, my meds will be ready in 2 weeks, then i have two plants that will be ready in 3 months (naturally). it's too hot for indoor without AC, and i just refuse to buy an AC due to how that would jack up my electric bill. seems to me like this is a great solution to several problems.

Weed MD

lol 55 gallon drum where am i guna get one of those. and did you put it on while outside or bring them in.
and i like the closet idea but what if i brought them in early but left them by the sliding glass door so they would still get air

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
they need to be in darkness, so i don't know how you'd do that if you want them to be by a sliding door. i bring mine in every day and place them in a bathroom that has no windows, then just turn the fart fan on for air circulation so the humidity has somewhere to escape to.

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
yes, as long as you block the light and maybe even get one of those $10 mini fans at home depot to circulate the air a bit. depending on the size of the plants, they might not even grow mold with no circulation, but imo, why risk it?

Weed MD

well thanks for the info man. im def going to try the closet idea. i think it sounds pretty legit. im going to leave it outside to grow for maybe another week or two then give it a whirl


Active Member
well thanks for the info man. im def going to try the closet idea. i think it sounds pretty legit. im going to leave it outside to grow for maybe another week or two then give it a whirl
Well I don't claim to have the quantity of experience of others on here but I will tell you what IS working for me........I use to have an American Bull Dog who died last year so what I've been doing is I'll take the Big Girl off the platform at about 6:25PM and put her in the Dog house covered with a tarp and am getting good results and as others have sad when I get around to it after the suns completely down I go back out and take her back out of the dog house and place her back on the platform I can't imagine the hassle and inconvenience of carrying them indoors then out everyday I'd think that'd get old quick............and my plants 2 feet tall with like about 13-16 bud sites so far although the top one is the most developed they are all doing their thing hope this helps at the very least it should be food for thought

Weed MD

interesting. im about 3-4 weeks in tho. i dont know if i should wait another week or two. but im thinking of atleast a week


Active Member
interesting. im about 3-4 weeks in tho. i dont know if i should wait another week or two. but im thinking of atleast a week
Well in my case I've had them out there since roughly May 15th I opted for limiting heighth to 2Ft for security reasons and MAN shes going like gang busters now....but I'm of the opinion that outdoor growing kicks indoors ass interms of light coverage theres no damn way I'd have as many bud sites as I do if I was growing inside without spending a fortune on lighting......the trade off is the pain in the ass of force flowering but Hey it's all a labor of love right???

Weed MD

ha yeah i agree. where i am i have to keep it short aswell.. (apartment complex) but i havent even started to trim. idk where to begin