new growt is bright green


i have 4 little ones under a 600w hps put them under 4 days ago from a cfl grow box.i am seeing the new growth turning bright green but the rest of the plants look fine.they are about 2 foot tall and are in their 3 week of veg.
Any input would be will come when they wake up


Well-Known Member
May just be a lack of Nitrogen, but need more info. to know for sure... are you feeding? if so, what? how often? etc. temps? on most plants new growth is usually a lighter color green than the older growth so i wouldn't freak out over it, probably normal.


feeding full strength dutch fest, temp is 25 celcius(give or take 1).
i thuoght it might be the lack of nutes do u think i should up the dose?


thanks for the imput ,the thing is,this happened on my last attempt and they all died.I was using hydroton and a recirculation system under the 600w and i thought it was a heat problem so i have put in a better fan and now my tent has fresh air al the time.i also changed dosage is at bottles recommended level and i feed them about 700ml once a day.(i removed the drip system to isolate the problem).Even since my last post the tips everywhere on all the plants have grown but are this lime green almost yellow butr appart from the colour of this new growth the plants look fine,i use rhizotonic for good root structure and the roots are abundent.oh my ph is good so im confident its not a nute lock.
when they were under cfl they did not turn colour at all but since they have been under the 600w this problem has come up.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
take a step back , the new growth is light green its a positive sign , I'm the worst about gawking , spend less time with them .its going to be fine


Active Member
Just relax, like the others said all new leaves are typically greener. If the leaves were lime green and were NOT new, then a lack of N would most likely be the cause do to lack of cholorophil production.
Just relax, like the others said all new leaves are typically greener. If the leaves were lime green and were NOT new, then a lack of N would most likely be the cause do to lack of cholorophil production.
those are a lovely pair of tits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so inviting, can i see them without the clothes????? ohhh ide die for those seriously lolkiss-ass
ok cool, i am miles n miles away from u lol, so no need to worry bout me trying to have a grope of those 2 lol, sorry hahahah im a bad boy, cant help myself, i find a woman that grows n that is hot a big turn on, plus i love a girl who tokes, r u on msn???