what strain is bagseed?


Active Member
you have to remember drug cartells arnt stupid they know what grows best where they live and if noone knows the answer then why post>?


ok so drug cartells grow the weakest stuff around? how did they figure that out?
Considering most drug cartels are from Mexico, which is known for it's dirt weed. So yes they do grow the weakest shit around. Us American's and Canadian's grow the good shit. I live 2 miles from Mexico, I know shit with the cartels.


Well-Known Member
you have to remember drug cartells arnt stupid they know what grows best where they live and if noone knows the answer then why post>?

Michoacan, Mexico is probably the most narcotic state in North America. I grew up there and have seen how these guys do it. When looking for quality drugs It's cocaine and heroin that they are good at getting and manufacturing, not weed.


Well-Known Member
All of the fancy hybrids are just crosses of landrace MJ from all over the world. The "cartells" grow whatever seeds they have, whether it be a local variety or something imported. Bud is bud to them. Maybe you should do some reading before you spew garble all over the place, people have tried to answer you.


Michoacan, Mexico is probably the most narcotic state in North America. I grew up there and have seen how these guys do it. When looking for quality drugs It's cocaine and heroin that they are good at getting and manufacturing, not weed.
Yup they do get some good coke and H at times, weed, never.


Well-Known Member
Yup they do get some good coke and H at times, weed, never.
Actually the Mexican sativas of old were pretty special. The hermied shit they're growing now doesn't do it any justice. They just keep planting those hermie pollinated seeds and it gets worse each season. :(


Well-Known Member
Actually the Mexican sativas of old were pretty special. The hermied shit they're growing now doesn't do it any justice. They just keep planting those hermie pollinated seeds and it gets worse each season. :(

yeah the tard OP can't realize this, he has watched BLOW too many times.


Actually the Mexican sativas of old were pretty special. The hermied shit they're growing now doesn't do it any justice. They just keep planting those hermie pollinated seeds and it gets worse each season. :(
Yeah those were the days, now Mexico's weed is known as dirt. :(


Active Member
All of the fancy hybrids are just crosses of landrace MJ from all over the world. The "cartells" grow whatever seeds they have, whether it be a local variety or something imported. Bud is bud to them. Maybe you should do some reading before you spew garble all over the place, people have tried to answer you.

alright so you think mexican drug cartels might have 2 or more differant strains in one location?.. it just seems to me that they would use or made there own strain that produces alot of bud thats easy to grow... thats all i am asking <

so really only one person has tried to answer me the rest just spaming


Well-Known Member
alright so you think mexican drug cartels might have 2 or more differant strains in one location?.. it just seems to me that they would use or made there own strain that produces alot of bud thats easy to grow... thats all i am asking <

so really only one person has tried to answer me the rest just spaming
bud is bud to them they don't care, they sell it in bulk


Well-Known Member
that brings me to another point.. who the heck somes up with all these lame names?? its just a mixture of 3 strains
if one plant is 90 of this and 10 of that
its called bullfrog if its 80 of this and 20 of that is called lady killer.. Hahaha

This was the last post in this thread I could read, Fish your a fucking retard, You've had plenty of great answers just like others had said you CANT COMPREHEND THEM.

PS.. This just about made my night, I think I have to put some fresh drawers on from a little dripage from laughing too hard:peace: