9k first grow


Well-Known Member
i did not mean to jack this thread and i apologize to the community for participating in these actions... lets just get on with the thread and get past all the last several posts


Active Member
lol, figured that's what it was (hopefully you didn't catch what I originally responded with).

Been 2 days now, where's the update with flowering pics :P

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I'll smoke a bowl of my ice to that. I would'nt be surprised or blame mr. doe if he ditched this thread though. Good luck with your grow. Peace


Well-Known Member
i did not mean to jack this thread and i apologize to the community for participating in these actions... lets just get on with the thread and get past all the last several posts
Very respectable. I'm glad you felt the need to apologize without an excuse.

Meester Doe....? I don't wanna sound like a child, but can we pleeeeeaaaassseeee have an update?



lol maybe there doing it to "save the world" and they have the money to get fancy..........

but for growing purposes its a retarded idea. period

i don't know if I agree with your statement...but I love the use of the word retarded in a serious sentence!!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah this is drama wasnt here to attempt to jack the thread.
what is going on with the beauties anyways.
and anyone in B.C. enjoy that insanethunder storm tonite


Well-Known Member
i cant believe you guys who jacked the thread for 6 pages just to piss n moan about friggin solar panels,regardless who was wrong or right you were all wrong to do that,to top it off if you go back you will see he wasnt even interesed in either solar or wind, his plan is to build a little sound proofed shed for a generator,most likely because that is by far the cheapest option. youve probably scared him off now, well done dickheads.


Well-Known Member
well your like a 1/3 of the way there man. good luck to ya. I've never considered one large grow in one spot. I might break that down and do several small grows. stage apartments with stealth cabs and automate them all. 12 plants per place. but this man do I wish, its like a field day in there. I hope all your dreams are realized.


Active Member
and anyone in B.C. enjoy that insanethunder storm tonite
sure did, course with the three fires we had one week ago, lightning poses a scary threat to us here ;)

And Mr. Doe is probably still scarfing someone else's wifi, so it might be another few days before we hear from him.