Hey Help please

Hey guys, iv been on 12/12 for a while now not really counted the days, and i notice allot of buds starting to grow all over the plant, iv seen pictures of other peoples plants on 12/12 and they have cut the bottom big leaves off, why is this? here are some pictures. its in my bedroom. and i took it out of the grow room for a little while :) to raise the lights higher because its getting so tall, i need to control its height more :(

So main questions:

Do i chop of the bigg leaves, and leave the nodes?

anyway to control its height?

any other advise alwasy welcome :)


Well-Known Member
i think what you are refering to is known as lollipopping.. this is where the grower removes 1/4 to 1/3 of the lower foliage by cutting the branches off at the nodes on the main stem... this is so that the plant focuses energy on growing buds at the top of the plant where the light is, instead of wasting energy trying to grow little buds that will not be worth it in the end..

this really should be done during the vegetative growth cycle.. but i have removed branches 2 weeks into flowering without any sort of problems... since you have no idea when you started 12/12, and i dont know how strong your plants genetics are, i dont want to say whether or not you would be ok doing this now.. since it will stress your plant out and being in flowering will stress it more than usual, if the genetics arent strong enough you could end up with a hermie... im sure from the look of the buds that it hasnt been that long so it would more than likely be ok.. but i will leave that up to you..


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, iv been on 12/12 for a while now not really counted the days, and i notice allot of buds starting to grow all over the plant, iv seen pictures of other peoples plants on 12/12 and they have cut the bottom big leaves off, why is this? here are some pictures. its in my bedroom. and i took it out of the grow room for a little while :) to raise the lights higher because its getting so tall, i need to control its height more :(

So main questions:

Do i chop of the bigg leaves, and leave the nodes?

anyway to control its height?

any other advise alwasy welcome :)
You can train the plant (tie it down), or top it, although it is not recomended in flowering. Keep your lights as close as possible w/o burning the plant. Unfortunately there are not a whole lot of options when you are into flowering to deal with this situation. The best thing to do is pre-plan your grow and in this case learn from past mistakes. Plants will typically double or even triple in size during flowering so keep this in mind when vegging and don't let them get too big. I hope this helps. Good luck my friend. BTW, she looks nice!
Thanks, well i know for sure its under a month, perhaps around 2-3 weeks tops

should be okay, the strain i have no idea the bottom leaves look slightly yellow at the tiops perhaps chop 4-6 leaves off?
and see how it is?
Well , she is big, and smellie and my first one ahahah iv got about 2 ft more height left in my grow room over this lol, + in the top of my pot i cn see some roots showing? re-pot?


Well-Known Member
if you do remove anything remove the entire branch from where it meets the main stem... not just the leaf... and i personally wouldnt do more than maybe 4 all together on that plant...

out of curiosity how long did you veg for and what kind of light are you using??
if you do remove anything remove the entire branch from where it meets the main stem... not just the leaf... and i personally wouldnt do more than maybe 4 all together on that plant...

out of curiosity how long did you veg for and what kind of light are you using??

ehurmm im using 4 50 w cfls and 1 big 80 w flurocent.

and it was veging for a long time i wasnt sure if it was readfy or not.. so perhaps 3 months but 2 months on my window cil 1 month in grow room, where it really grew


Well-Known Member
if you do repot be very very careful with the root system and cause as little disturbance to them as you possibly can.. the more gentle you are the less stress you will cause her and the quicker she'll start growing after the transplant...


Well-Known Member
ehurmm im using 4 50 w cfls and 1 big 80 w flurocent.

and it was veging for a long time i wasnt sure if it was readfy or not.. so perhaps 3 months but 2 months on my window cil 1 month in grow room, where it really grew

bro your plant is WAY to big for the amount of light you have... you need a lot more light to flower this girl.. she is very stretched....

my advice to you is to bend her over like was said earlier... bend the top down until it feels like she is gonna snap, but whatever you do DO NOT LET HER SNAP!! be gentle with this... once you have her bent tie her so she is in place.. over the next week or so tighten it more and more.. and get those lights as close as you possibly can... and get some more lights if possible.. but if not just make sure to have them as close as you can get them..

it may set flowering back a little from bending her.. but she needs its... and it would be less stress than lollipopping her...


Well-Known Member
either that or lollipop the top half of her and hope she doesnt hermie.. or at least watch out for pollen sacs and pull them as soon as you see them...
bro your plant is WAY to big for the amount of light you have... you need a lot more light to flower this girl.. she is very stretched....

my advice to you is to bend her over like was said earlier... bend the top down until it feels like she is gonna snap, but whatever you do DO NOT LET HER SNAP!! be gentle with this... once you have her bent tie her so she is in place.. over the next week or so tighten it more and more.. and get those lights as close as you possibly can... and get some more lights if possible.. but if not just make sure to have them as close as you can get them..

it may set flowering back a little from bending her.. but she needs its... and it would be less stress than lollipopping her...

:/ well, im not entirley sure what u meanby this, do i hold the top down, and tie around it to try to make it gorw downwards?


Well-Known Member
yea.. take the top and bend in towards the ground.. take some string and tie around the top of the plant (now facing downward) and secure it to the pot... now you might need to do this over a week.. and you can stop when you see the stretching stop.. but this will help the lower branches stretch towards the light and stop the vertical growth.. its easier to see what i mean by that when its done.. but all the lower branches will push upwards towards the light... and since the lights will be closer anyways more of the plant will be exposed to more light... does that make more sense?? or at least explain it a little better?

never heard of gfk before.. doesnt mean it doesnt exist tho.. are they bag seeds or from a bank??
yea.. take the top and bend in towards the ground.. take some string and tie around the top of the plant (now facing downward) and secure it to the pot... now you might need to do this over a week.. and you can stop when you see the stretching stop.. but this will help the lower branches stretch towards the light and stop the vertical growth.. its easier to see what i mean by that when its done.. but all the lower branches will push upwards towards the light... and since the lights will be closer anyways more of the plant will be exposed to more light... does that make more sense?? or at least explain it a little better?

never heard of gfk before.. doesnt mean it doesnt exist tho.. are they bag seeds or from a bank??

My friend brought 10 for i think £35

n gave me 1... :) so i planted 1 and it grew into this :), and ookay will it stop the top bud growing? when i tie it down?


Well-Known Member
it wont stop is from growing.. it just may not be as big... but the entire plant will grow buds verse just the top...

if they are from a bank you could probably get away with lollipopping since the seeds are going to have good strong genetics... but again.. you do run the risk of stressing into hermie.. and this does stress your plant out so you will have a slightly longer flowering period.. but you will just get larger buds on the top of the plant vs the entire plant getting buds, but being smaller in over all size..
Oh well i also have an out door one growing ahah but i planted jst a few days ago so only 2 inches tall ahah, oh well i doubt it will survive but i dont mind