MALE or FEMALE? need help telling the sex

:confused:I was just wandering if anyone could help me with telling the sex of this plant. Or maybe tell me how I could tell. I would appreciate any help. The plant is 3 1/2 - 4 months old. Both pics attached are from the same plant.



Well-Known Member
tough to see from the pics, if had to guess i'd say male, get a close of shot of the nodes (where branch meets stalk)
yeah definately try to get some closer shots of the nodes...from those pics i dont see any balls(male) long have they been in the flowering?


Well-Known Member
Is that plant healthy? The leaves are lookin kinda weird and chalky. get a closer pic about 2 nodes down from the top and maybe we'll be able to tell. If you look closely though, you'll see either balls ( little round preflowers) or you'll see more spear-like preflowers.
I've got one question though, why would you grow a plant for 4 months and not put it into flowering?
Is that plant healthy? The leaves are lookin kinda weird and chalky. get a closer pic about 2 nodes down from the top and maybe we'll be able to tell. If you look closely though, you'll see either balls ( little round preflowers) or you'll see more spear-like preflowers.
I've got one question though, why would you grow a plant for 4 months and not put it into flowering?
I am very new to this. I live in ohio and i have 6 plant all of them are outside so I have been just growing and letting them do their thing. How do u put into flowering if they are outside?
you cant see anything to indicate gender in either of those pics, and to your other question you will have to wait for the days to get shorter and your plants will begin to flower on their own. Or you could force them to recieve 12/12 lighting manually by bringing them in or putting a black bag over them for a few hours a day. Im also growing outdoors and i expect them to flip to flower soon.

King Kaya

yes where i am from the days are starting to get shorter according to the farmers almanac. that is what pushes the plants into flowering when growing outdoors. watch 'em close for the next couple of weeks for preflowers/balls


Active Member
i will happen naturally when there is less daylight hours, when you flower inside you have 12 hours light then 12 hours days simulating winter if you like


Well-Known Member
I definately see a preflower on the first pic, but again you're a little too far away from it to tell what it is. You can see it on the top node on the left branch in the first one, so take a closer pic right in that same spot.


Active Member
no sex yet... get closer pics next time though.. & what is on the leaves? that doesn't look healthy.


Let them do ther thing.Just keep a look out for males....they call em males for a reason LOooK out for them nuts...HydroJ


Well-Known Member
I've never heard so many redundant comments. I think over half the posts say the same thing about it flowering when the days get shorter. Pretty sure he understood after the first one.....The leaves look very healthy in these last two pictures btw. What was up with the first ones?