90% of pistols gone but trichomes are still not mature

I am assuming this can be normal, just wanting to make sure. Its been two months since i put my plant into flowering. Its just bag seed so im not sure about the strain.

Any info will help.




Well-Known Member
If 90% of your pistils are gone your plant is pretty much out of time for you to make corrections to its neuts to increase that THC count. If its just bagseed you dont have a clue what you are suppose to be getting for weed. It may have been an outdoor sativa strain grown in Nepal requiring 95-100 degree temps with cows shitting all over it to really make her sing. There really isn't anything you can do at this point to try and produce more THC on her. I'd say chop her down, cure, and blunt her up. Or make some delicious butter and cookies/brownies/rice cripsy treats :D
I would say 60% of the trichs are the milky translucent color, 36% are still clear and 4% are ambering up.
Well, it sounds like you've got a long-flowering strain. Keep looking at the trichs every couple days and in a week or two it will probably be ready to harvest. I believe it's 20-30% ambers you want to see.

I read a post recently (in here, I believe, in the Harvest/cure section) where this guy said he doesnt go by trichs. He goes by looks--says A plant LOOKS DONE when it IS done. I think I know what he means...Ive got a couple plants at the end of their 9th week that just simply LOOK "done", The leaves are almost all gone, the ones that remain look brown and crisp...the bud itself is brown and kind of dry-looking. Sort of crumbly looking, in a way. My strain is "supposed" to flower 8-9 weeks but some folks say 10 is even better. Still, a trich check showed quite a lot of amber at the top of the plant and about 30% in the middle and bottom. That combined with it's "done" look...and Im ready right now to harvest my beauties.

I think it's sort of like buying tomatoes or melons...you get a "feel" for when it is perfectly ripe.



Well-Known Member
Like mentioned above when its done it will just look done, some strains mature with less amber trichomes than others


Well-Known Member
LOL, you speeled that wrong dumbass.

Yes, I realize I spelled "spelled" incorrectly. I'm not that stupid, atleast I don't think.