holes and rips in my leaves


Active Member
My outdoor purps seem to have some pest problem, they have large and small holes in the leaves and rips too. I have been using a diluted neem oil/dishsoap infectant on them because i had it for some spider mites which i believe i have under control. Needless to say i've lost almost all faith in outdoor growing as the pests have proven to be too much for me to handle. Any suggestions? i plan to post pics soon but the quickest help possible will be good. These holes are not affecting the plants growth i dont think but each new set of leaves has holes and rips on it, i often find wierd bugs on the plant and flick them off, some being these wierd multi coloured fucker, no idea what they are... please help


Well-Known Member
Outdoors can be a bitch sometimes. I always plant more then i need because of pests and bugs. I use basic stuff from lowes or home depot. Just buy some basic tomato garden insect spray. I have had success for years with pretty much any thing they have. You can read the backs of some of the containers and it tells you what bugs it takes care of.


Active Member
Keep sprayin them. Try prymethium spray as well, this will actually kill the bugs rather than deter them. You could also try diatomacious earth.

Bugs can also come in waves according to season and weather, so just hang on for a couple more weeks. As long as your plants are healthy and strong they should pull through


Active Member
alright thanks for the great help people i will continue with the neem and perhaps try the tomatoe spray along with some of the other suggestions if that doesnt work

grow space

Well-Known Member
yo man- i have the same prob. im yesterday i stard using soap and water mix.anyone know this method??should i spray today some more???


when ye say soap n water mix, what kind o soap is best? i,ve just been to check on my white widow in the woods n she growin well but has holes all over!!! this is my 1st outdoor grow as my mrs wont let me grow in the house since r daughter was born!!

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
when ye say soap n water mix, what kind o soap is best? i,ve just been to check on my white widow in the woods n she growin well but has holes all over!!! this is my 1st outdoor grow as my mrs wont let me grow in the house since r daughter was born!!
just regular dish soap. a couple of drops in a squirter bottle. don't get crazy with the detergent