Too early to fertilize seedling?


Deffinately get some better soil, i use miracle grow potting soil it feeds for up to 3 months. Works great.
The potting soil I'm using now is great compared to my backyard old garden compost soil I was using. I have heard many people swear against MG soil because of those little fertilizer balls in the soil, but I wouldnt know because I've never tried it. Anyway I dont want to transplant again. I'm sure the soil is just fine. I think I may have over fertilized? SO my question is when I water next, should I water a bit extra to flush the soil? Or would that further damage it?


Active Member
Here are some more pics of what I think is MG burn. So I also need to wrap the pots the plants are in so the roots are in complete darkness?
the roots dont need light thats for sure! I would not blame the damage to overfert. get that foil away from your plants! It creates hotspots and will burn your babies, I tried it so i know it is bad. you would be better off with a cardboard box and paint the inside white so the light reflects. i would think your soil is fine, try moving the foil it will help!


Well-Known Member
Ay man you need to put on a shirt lol
also to be on topic you deffinately should not be giving that plant nutes at 1 week. I don't know how good your backyard soil is but 90% of the time it has bugs/larvae in it atleast my backyard soil does. So you may need to transeplant into better soil when possible.
LOL @ shirt.

That thing is still a wittle bittle baby. Good ol water for the first week or two and then nute once you have 2 -3 sets of fan leaves.


okay I removed the foil. hopefully it gets better. I watered today, enough to moisten soil. I didn't over water or flush. Water is room temp distilled.


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you using? Never use foil it's not good. The soil should make this thing grow alone if you are using the right kind. I have tons of success with the MiracleGrow potting soil (Blue Bag) it retains moisture and has good amounts of PHed soil. You may have to move your plant from the cup to a larger pot with new good soil. You would be amazed how fast the roots take over a cup. Maybe they just need more room to grow.


What kind of soil are you using? Never use foil it's not good. The soil should make this thing grow alone if you are using the right kind. I have tons of success with the MiracleGrow potting soil (Blue Bag) it retains moisture and has good amounts of PHed soil. You may have to move your plant from the cup to a larger pot with new good soil. You would be amazed how fast the roots take over a cup. Maybe they just need more room to grow.
I'm using Western Family Organic Potting soil. Its already in a bigger 1 gallon 1 pint pot. I removed aluminum foil so hopefully thats what it was and not MG.


I keep the plant under cfl from 5AM to 5PM and for the other 12 hrs of darkness, I have it in a closed cardboard box covered with a blanket so its completly dark, so no chance of herming. I am going to continue this for 1 to 2 weeks or until it shows sign of sex. depending on if its male or female, I will put it back under cfl for 18/6 and veg longer until I put it back to 12/12 to flower. I also wrapped cardboard around the pot to prevent light from reaching the roots. no fertilizing just reg room temp distilled water when needed. The new leaves coming in are green and healthy, no more burning for now at least. leaves coming in at the nodes are getting bigger also. I lifted the pot up on little cardboard cylinders so it has room in between the pot and the tray it sits in for air circulation and so it doesnt get moldy. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!! :joint:



I kept it in the dark today until noon instead of putting back in the light at 5AM. I was putting it in the dark from 5PM to 5AM. Hopefully it will be okay. Its still grown more and looks fine. I'm going to go back to the 5PM to 5AM light schedule. :joint:


Lower leaves, and dead leaves were trimmed to produce two sets of leaves when they come back. Light schedule will be from midnight o one to noon dark and noon o one to midnight light. Still crossing fingers its a femi. I haven't seen any signs of sex yet. I'm guessing it still has more maturing to do until its ready to start showing. I want to start the 12/12 light schedule anyway. Let me know what you think. Also the other 3 seedlings are coming in fresh, green, and strong. Also I am drying the trimmed leaves under an incandescant lamp. Is there anything I can do with them?



I trimmed the lower leaves because they were yellowing, burning, and dying. It also helps light get to the smaller leaves on the nodes. It seems to be growing just fine. Light schedule is sunlight from 12:01PM to 6:00PM & 6:01PM to 12:00AM under CFL. 12:01AM to 12:00PM dark. I am keeping it on this 12/12 light schedule until it sexes. I will then return the lights to 18/6 to resume vegging light schedule until its time to go back to 12/12 to flower. What do you think? :bigjoint:



sounds good .I normally just wait till they show preflowers or let them flower if i switched to 12/12..
I thought maybe switching the light schedule to 12/12 like it is would help force the plant to maturity to start showing its sex or preflowers. At that point I would continue on a 18/6 to veg the plant to about 2 ft. before flowering on the 12/12 again. Is it fine to use this method? Or would I be better of keeping the light schedule to 24/0 light schedule until they start to preflower. So once they preflower, I can no longer veg, but have to go to flowering light schedule? Also my plant has a noticable skunky smell when within a foot or so. The leaves look as though they may have thinned. Is it still Indica looking? Or maybe Sativa?




Active Member
18/6 will help encourage preflowering more.

Light inhibits the flowering hormone somewhat.

Reverting to veg takes a long time, probably more trouble than it's worth.

Why don't you just take some clones once it's big enough and sex those? :hump: