My own country?


If I found an island, and became the "ruler" of the island, couldn't I make my own law? Legalize every drug, etc etc....? I hear theres alot of islands that haven't been discovered yet ....:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
theve been discovered, and likely belong to france.

if you do this it would be like declaring war on every nation trying to keep drugs illegal

when you start this drug based island colony i might join you ,so let me know

i dont know if you'll do it in that boat though


Well-Known Member
I thought about this before....

I think the only way to really pull it off without getting killed or dieing in this place that no one really knows exists is....

First off find an island with the climate you want and research that island to make sure it could sustain however many people you were going to bring with you. Then go to whatever government owns the island and present some sort of legitimate reason why you should be living on this island(maybe like a science experiment) Then once you have permission you can go there and pretty much do whatever the fuck you want once you're there.....

Sr. Verde

I'm pretty sure there are still many unclaimed islands way the fuck out there

They're not big enough for anyone to care about, really....

I had a fantasy about your scenario

One big island, one small one

Small one has kids and teachers and shit and the kids are taught how to cultivate weed and taught everything about it along with all the basic skills up to about 10th grade

Then once they reach a certain age they are allowed to move to the adult island to smoke their brains out

All electricity is from Solar Panels

The major industry's would be: Hammocks, Glass Blowing, Marijuana Cultivation & farms and shit

My utopia

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Eh, you could but I would probably invade your island, overthrow your government, and rule my new island with an iron fist. :)


Well-Known Member
Eh, you could but I would probably invade your island, overthrow your government, and rule my new island with an iron fist. :)
thats good
Besides having your own island isnt as easy as it sounds.....

youd probly get shot by
Or you could just move to Portugal or a Portuguese owned island...I heard on the news about a month ago that they have decriminalized ALL drugs!!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
youre right .... excuse me for being such a tard ...... i smoke entirely too much....
I just hated that movie kinda.... not a big capreo fan


Well-Known Member
Dude, The Departed, Blood Diamond, Body of Lies.... Leo's bomb.
I pose a kunumdrum too you ......
A riddle if u will.......
Whats the difference between you...
And a malllet with a cold????
Ones a sick duck .....
I cant remember how it ends
But your mothas a whore!
What do u think about that trebbeck!


Well-Known Member
I pose a kunumdrum too you ......
A riddle if u will.......
Whats the difference between you...
And a malllet with a cold????
Ones a sick duck .....
I cant remember how it ends
But your mothas a whore!
What do u think about that trebbeck!
ok mr. SNL