general questions but i neeeed to noo


Well-Known Member
hi my name is josh and im growing outdoors for the first time this summer and i really want a successful crop. below are a few questions i am still a little shaky on.

1) wen should i start fertlizing my plants

2) how often should i growing outdoor in the ground.

3)i live in virginia..wen will my babies start to show sex

4)wen its time for the plants to show show sex how often should i visit my grow site to ensure no males sli[p through and fuk up my whole crop

5)is river water ok and how often should i water them.

pleeaasssee help me i really want some dank ganja by the end of next summer:hump:


Active Member
well your gonna have to wait till summer of 2010 cause if you plant outdoor know your plants probably gonna get fucked by that weather up there


Well-Known Member
1) wen should i start fertlizing my plants

After your plant has broken ground and has 3 or 4 nodes on it

2) how often should i growing outdoor in the ground.

depends on how much rain you get. you could fertilize it and the rain will wash away a lot of the nutrients. but outside in the ground, I would say give nutrients every 3 or 4 waterings. You just have to keep a close eye, it may need more water one day then it did before.

3)i live in virginia..wen will my babies start to show sex

it depends. I would say as soon as they get 6 or 7 nodes on them, depending on how/if you cut them, you will see signs. because of how late it is in the year, it will probably take less nodes than that..

4)wen its time for the plants to show show sex how often should i visit my grow site to ensure no males sli[p through and fuk up my whole crop

to ensure there are no males in your grow site, I would visit every 10-12 days, depending on your relative distance from the grow site..

5)is river water ok and how often should i water them.

river water will work. if you are going to be gone for 10 and 11 days at a time, i would set up a hose system running from the river to your grow site.. its not that complicated and a lot easier then watering every so many days

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
hi my name is josh and im growing outdoors for the first time this summer and i really want a successful crop. below are a few questions i am still a little shaky on.

1) wen should i start fertlizing my plants

2) how often should i growing outdoor in the ground.

3)i live in virginia..wen will my babies start to show sex

4)wen its time for the plants to show show sex how often should i visit my grow site to ensure no males sli[p through and fuk up my whole crop

5)is river water ok and how often should i water them.

pleeaasssee help me i really want some dank ganja by the end of next summer:hump:

1. If clones, as soon as planted

2. I feed every week

3. july-aug

4. The more attention you can give the better. I go once a week. When flowering I like to visit often. The last 3-4 weeks of flowering I like to visit everyday to watch for rot and mold.

5. Yes

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Depends on how hot it is, soil etc... Mine once maybe twice. I feed every week, then the rain usually takes care of the rest for the most part. Especially this year, JEESHH.