does anyone else think guns should be banned?

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Well-Known Member
I'll make it easy.

IPA (immigrant protection agency) Same exact business model as EPA.

Go around the country looking for people that violate the law by hiring illegals.
Fine the beejeebus out of them. Repeat as frequently as possible.

100% proven business model.

We'd not need a fence, border patrol agents, any of that crap.

i'm talking about guns. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Guns you say? Why would i need to shoot illegals? I'll leave the shooting to the law abiding communities of Latin Kings, Crypts, Bloods and the like.

I am in favor of an armed citizenry because oppressive governments are not.


Well-Known Member
They Gov't creates laws to try and control the masses. The majority will prob obey them. Unfortunately the people who need controlling are all the gangsters and shitheads running around. It's sad that cities are so full of violence. That there are people who are so poverty stricken they're forced to live next door to a crack house. I find it a failure of our govt that this can go on. It's a disgrace! So if we cant rely on the police to protect and serve.......who will? I'm in favor of armed militia. A community gang that exercises its right to protect itself. Imagine if a milita of 1,000 people went out with guns and started hunting down people who deserved it.


Well-Known Member
i give up trying to persuade anti-gun hippies, they don't understand that with a gun ban in effect there will still be shootings, it's called a black market. Many people also do not realize that shooting is a sport and takes great skill and it's very fun.


Well-Known Member
If I was going to get a gun, I would prob buy one illegally. I'd rather not have any paper work with my bullets.


Well-Known Member
If you buy a long gun like the one in my avatar there is no record of sale

that is NOT true. :dunce:
California approved rifles & shotguns, are the most regulated as well as the strictest firearms laws in the United States. All purchased "assault weapons" must be registered with the California Department of Justice, according to the Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons Control Act of 1989, which also banned a wide variety of "assault weapons" and various firearms configurations such as folding stocks, threaded barrels, and detachable magazines.


Well-Known Member
that is NOT true. :dunce:
California approved rifles & shotguns, are the most regulated as well as the strictest firearms laws in the United States. All purchased "assault weapons" must be registered with the California Department of Justice, according to the Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons Control Act of 1989, which also banned a wide variety of "assault weapons" and various firearms configurations such as folding stocks, threaded barrels, and detachable magazines.
Which is all stupid :joint:
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