Mental 1st grow


Well-Known Member
i don't think ill find any today but hopefully ill get atleast a buzz of this. I know for sure im getting some tomorrow... well... i hope my peeps have been slacking on being on time.


Well-Known Member
it's true what they say:

Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope.

Hope you get sorted mr weed.


Well-Known Member
Isn't that the truth lol but the bad thing is im out of both right now soon to be out of cig's also so tomorrow at work imma have hella fun there... As soon as i get paid its off to the herb peeps and i swear let them try to stunt again.


Well-Known Member
Isn't that the truth lol but the bad thing is im out of both right now soon to be out of cig's also so tomorrow at work imma have hella fun there... As soon as i get paid its off to the herb peeps and i swear let them try to stunt again.
And the countdown to herb missions begin lol.


Well-Known Member
Yea lol. And im very confused i just realized that i got 2 different types of weed growing. Because the day i got those seeds is the same day i bought from 2 different peeps with totally different weed, and i accidently mixed the weed together without getting the seeds i wanted. So i think i might have got some seeds that i didnt want but then again im sure that weed (the seeds i didnt want) could have been alot better because when i got it i could tell it wasn't either cut at the right time and not cured right or it was just cured wrong i think. The bud was all stringy and when i tried to break it down it was like trying to break a damn piece of yawn.


Well-Known Member
Yea lol. And im very confused i just realized that i got 2 different types of weed growing. Because the day i got those seeds is the same day i bought from 2 different peeps with totally different weed, and i accidently mixed the weed together without getting the seeds i wanted. So i think i might have got some seeds that i didnt want but then again im sure that weed (the seeds i didnt want) could have been alot better because when i got it i could tell it wasn't either cut at the right time and not cured right or it was just cured wrong i think. The bud was all stringy and when i tried to break it down it was like trying to break a damn piece of yawn.
Sounds like heat problems during the grow, and it was still wet by that description.

Well i knew it was about that time for the bushy one to show "HIS" ugly face :(.
Ahh another one Mental? Damn dude that sucks I'm sorry, you got the others still though right?


Well-Known Member
i got 2 more left i mean im still going to grow the male and take its leaves well imma grow it till i find a female or until the balls get a little bigger but not to big (maybe). The other 2 don't seem to have grown as much as the male one but hopefully 1 of them is a female atleast. Dude i don't know wtf happened. Me and my girl smoked that weed last night and we got really fucking high but it was a different high. We are thinking it is laced because it don't smell strong and i was hearing shit and feeling like there was shit in my shoe.


Well-Known Member
i got 2 more left i mean im still going to grow the male and take its leaves well imma grow it till i find a female or until the balls get a little bigger but not to big (maybe). The other 2 don't seem to have grown as much as the male one but hopefully 1 of them is a female atleast. Dude i don't know wtf happened. Me and my girl smoked that weed last night and we got really fucking high but it was a different high. We are thinking it is laced because it don't smell strong and i was hearing shit and feeling like there was shit in my shoe.
I'd keep that male about 1 mile radius away lol, or you're probably going to have beans in your girls. If you had a breeding room or male room it wouldn't matter, but if you're looking to grow some dank.... you might just want to kill him. You can't get high off of males dude lol. Plus the pollen.... is just about a damn pain in the ass to get rid off. You have to wipe/sterilize the WHOLE area of the grow. If the other 2 are looking weak, there's a damn good chance they're female.

Best of luck to you dude, and get a new dealer because that's some bs right there.


Active Member
I'd keep that male about 1 mile radius away lol, or you're probably going to have beans in your girls. If you had a breeding room or male room it wouldn't matter, but if you're looking to grow some dank.... you might just want to kill him. You can't get high off of males dude lol. Plus the pollen.... is just about a damn pain in the ass to get rid off. You have to wipe/sterilize the WHOLE area of the grow. If the other 2 are looking weak, there's a damn good chance they're female.

Best of luck to you dude, and get a new dealer because that's some bs right there.
Thats not true Doobieus. You CAN get high from smoking male plant leafs. But you have to smoke alot of it, and the high varies but is mostly body stone. I have done this countless times when I was desperate for some smoke but I wouldnt recommend it. The smoke is always harsh and tastes awful, the high isnt a quality lasting high. And you might end up with a headache by the end. If you ask me MentalChild, its not worth it. More work and you always run the risk of pollinating your girls. Also just so you know, recently my tallest, strongest plant turned out to be a female. So keep your chin up, you might still have 2 girls. Next time germ 12 seeds and veg them till you can switch them to 12/12, your more likely get 4 to 5 females that way (if your lucky you might get 8+) Anyways good luck. Btw Doobieus and Mentalchild, I have been lurking about your journals the last week or so. Just want to say hi (or should I say HIGH). Hope you are feeling better doobieus and wish you luck Mental. I miss the twins Doob. Haha.


Well-Known Member
Thats not true Doobieus. You CAN get high from smoking male plant leafs. But you have to smoke alot of it, and the high varies but is mostly body stone. I have done this countless times when I was desperate for some smoke but I wouldnt recommend it. The smoke is always harsh and tastes awful, the high isnt a quality lasting high. And you might end up with a headache by the end. If you ask me MentalChild, its not worth it. More work and you always run the risk of pollinating your girls. Also just so you know, recently my tallest, strongest plant turned out to be a female. So keep your chin up, you might still have 2 girls. Next time germ 12 seeds and veg them till you can switch them to 12/12, your more likely get 4 to 5 females that way (if your lucky you might get 8+) Anyways good luck. Btw Doobieus and Mentalchild, I have been lurking about your journals the last week or so. Just want to say hi (or should I say HIGH). Hope you are feeling better doobieus and wish you luck Mental. I miss the twins Doob. Haha.
One of my buddies way back in the day grew out 2 male plants thinking they were female lol (The whole grow was horrid lol), needless to say a group of us tried smoking them and they didn't get any of us high, not even a buzz. Then again at that point we had been smoking for awhile so, maybe that's why? I don't know, but I do know that from my personal experience it didn't get me high at all.

Thanks Floyd, and you should comment more often lol, either here or in my journal. We're chill people so no worries on that lol.

Edit: I miss the twins too lol.


Well-Known Member
I took the leaves off the first male's i got and smoked them and had a good buzz. I didn't get a headache after i smoked them. And what's up floyd. Yea so far out of 12 i had 10 be males, but then again i am growing bagseed's so that's why but yea. If one of those 2 aren't females that i got left then ill have to germ more like you said but man my girls going to have a fit. Wait i don't think i have enough room for 12 plant's :( i mean i might if i use my mcdonalds tea cut's for them all but it wont be good enough for them when they get bigger :( so i got to keep it low to a minim of 5 - 6 maybe 7 plant's. Yea i think i am going to get rid of him in about a week or half a week i want to put him into flowering for 2 or 3 days and see how big he gets and then throw him out because i want to see how it gets bigger in flowering like everyone says, i have never seen it. I am going to have a update in a lil, right now it is storming like a mother fucker outside. You should post more floyd ^^.


Active Member
One of my buddies way back in the day grew out 2 male plants thinking they were female lol (The whole grow was horrid lol), needless to say a group of us tried smoking them and they didn't get any of us high, not even a buzz. Then again at that point we had been smoking for awhile so, maybe that's why? I don't know, but I do know that from my personal experience it didn't get me high at all.

Thanks Floyd, and you should comment more often lol, either here or in my journal. We're chill people so no worries on that lol.

Edit: I miss the twins too lol.
Hmm... I also noticed that the males pollen pods (er balls) are pretty high in THC so those would get you higher than the leafs. Also in some strains they match the THC found in female plants. The reason growers dont like males is because even though their flowers give get you high. They dont grow enough to make it worth the trouble of growing them. Female plants can yeald up to hundreds of times more thc riddled plant matter than a few strings of flowers as males do.

Oh and I was going to comment on your grow Doobieus. Just my internet cut out the last second. Pissed me off but what can i do. Yea I like you guys, you seem very chilled and layed back. The way things should always be here on RIU. I have seen a bit of drama spiking up in this forum. Thats why I sometimes avoid commenting. I even tried helping a guy with a housefly problem and the guy was a being less than thankful, and the whole post turned into a flame war.

And the message was something that follows: Try to cut the twin from the bigger twin and dip it in some rooting gel and see if it gets any better. I guess its a bit too late. :?


Active Member
I took the leaves off the first male's i got and smoked them and had a good buzz. I didn't get a headache after i smoked them. And what's up floyd. Yea so far out of 12 i had 10 be males, but then again i am growing bagseed's so that's why but yea. If one of those 2 aren't females that i got left then ill have to germ more like you said but man my girls going to have a fit. Wait i don't think i have enough room for 12 plant's :( i mean i might if i use my mcdonalds tea cut's for them all but it wont be good enough for them when they get bigger :( so i got to keep it low to a minim of 5 - 6 maybe 7 plant's. Yea i think i am going to get rid of him in about a week or half a week i want to put him into flowering for 2 or 3 days and see how big he gets and then throw him out because i want to see how it gets bigger in flowering like everyone says, i have never seen it. I am going to have a update in a lil, right now it is storming like a mother fucker outside. You should post more floyd ^^.

Hmm... I feel your pain. But trust me Mental, your luck will change. Im using bag seeds too and I have 3 great girls now. That coming from 10 plants. The second I saw a male I cut him. He would take too much of my time and effort to continue growing him.

Just remember, you are at the toughest part of the grow. Once you get a female or two you should take a few cuttings from them (you can take 2 a week from a plant without stressing them to hell) and clone them. From then on its smooth sailing! I suggest you get some Dip n Gro. Its the best rooting hormone I have ever tried! Great stuff.

Im not sure if you are doing this already but you just could go 12/12 from seed. I have seen some great grows this way. You can get a bit of bud with very little space. What ever you do dont give up. You will get that female soon. And once you do, everything changes. :weed: Good luck man! Fight the good fight


Well-Known Member
Yea that is what i do is 12/12 from seed. Is that dip stuff sold anywhere at stores? because only one i can find is what i been seeing lot of people on here using. Yea you probably wont see me mainly post in alot of threads due to people being retarded for no reason so i try to stay away lol. Yea that was my plan when i get a female plant but im still trying to get one oh and i guess the update will have to wait till tomorrow because the storm is getting worse here and the power keeps blinking on and off. Oh and i FM one of my plants yesterday, i went ahead and did it to get some practice and experience at doing it but yea update may be tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I took the leaves off the first male's i got and smoked them and had a good buzz. I didn't get a headache after i smoked them. And what's up floyd. Yea so far out of 12 i had 10 be males, but then again i am growing bagseed's so that's why but yea. If one of those 2 aren't females that i got left then ill have to germ more like you said but man my girls going to have a fit. Wait i don't think i have enough room for 12 plant's :( i mean i might if i use my mcdonalds tea cut's for them all but it wont be good enough for them when they get bigger :( so i got to keep it low to a minim of 5 - 6 maybe 7 plant's. Yea i think i am going to get rid of him in about a week or half a week i want to put him into flowering for 2 or 3 days and see how big he gets and then throw him out because i want to see how it gets bigger in flowering like everyone says, i have never seen it. I am going to have a update in a lil, right now it is storming like a mother fucker outside. You should post more floyd ^^.
Wow that sucks about your girl possibly freaking out, you just gotta make her understand that you can't choose the gender of the plants, hopefully she'll be understanding. I hope those are females too dude, you really need a female dude lol. Well I hope things pan out better dude.

Hmm... I also noticed that the males pollen pods (er balls) are pretty high in THC so those would get you higher than the leafs. Also in some strains they match the THC found in female plants. The reason growers dont like males is because even though their flowers give get you high. They dont grow enough to make it worth the trouble of growing them. Female plants can yeald up to hundreds of times more thc riddled plant matter than a few strings of flowers as males do.

Oh and I was going to comment on your grow Doobieus. Just my internet cut out the last second. Pissed me off but what can i do. Yea I like you guys, you seem very chilled and layed back. The way things should always be here on RIU. I have seen a bit of drama spiking up in this forum. Thats why I sometimes avoid commenting. I even tried helping a guy with a housefly problem and the guy was a being less than thankful, and the whole post turned into a flame war.

And the message was something that follows: Try to cut the twin from the bigger twin and dip it in some rooting gel and see if it gets any better. I guess its a bit too late. :?
Lol the males probably didn't get us high because it was a horrible grow to begin with. I've never gotten high off of a male honestly, but if you guys have more power to you.

I don't like males because they pollinate my girls, and give me false hope lol.

I'm glad you found a place to escape the BS and drama. We're pretty chill dude, we debate but we don't bash each other or nothing like that. Mental sometimes has bad days and flames his day but that's about it and even then he calms down pretty quickly lol. I do have to agree with the BS but sometimes when I'm really stoned some of it's really funny to read lol.


Well-Known Member
She knows that i can't choose the gender lol it is just having so many at a time and how her brother in law is a cop and he does sometimes comes over. Yea lol i do have a anger problem floyd so some days you might get to see me flip out lol. Oh and yea right now the storm we had knocked a tree over and is on all over our electric lines and is just hanging there so all it has to do is put a little more weight down and there goes everything the internet and the phone and power all to begin with which then will mean there goes my fans and my lights on my plants :(. Im about to germ some more seeds right now so i can have some more going and by the time i find out what sex the other 2 i got right now going i should have a good start just encase they are females.


Active Member
Its ok mental. I have one of the worst tempers in the world. It gets the better of me sometimes, just gotta act responsible when the blinding rage has you. I feel this "hobby" helps me with my anger. Shows you patience.


Active Member
I do have to agree with the BS but sometimes when I'm really stoned some of it's really funny to read lol.
Yep, I actually pretend thats the reason people post bullshit online. For a quick laugh. Otherwise its just worthless crap noone takes seriously.

Doobieus have you ever used any root enzymes? Like cannazyme or Hygrozyme? I am going to pick up a bottle and if you have any experience in these products I would appreciate some feedback. I would ask you also mental but seeing this is your first grow, you know. No offence.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I actually pretend thats the reason people post bullshit online. For a quick laugh. Otherwise its just worthless crap noone takes seriously.

Doobieus have you ever used any root enzymes? Like cannazyme or Hygrozyme? I am going to pick up a bottle and if you have any experience in these products I would appreciate some feedback. I would ask you also mental but seeing this is your first grow, you know. No offence.
It'd be needed more in hydro (I'm not very knowledgeable on hydro, but I do know root rot and algae are a big no no), although it'd still be really beneficial in soil as well. It'll keep your roots healthy and prevent root rot. You can also use beneficial bacteria with it as well, as it's main purpose is to just get rid of all the nasties on your roots, it won't affect the benefits from the bacteria. Most any Zyme product is going to be nice for your girls.

Hope this helps some.