Are They Ready To Flower?


Active Member
Hello. So here is my situation. i built this great cabinet but after setting it all up i relised i cant really fit all 3 of my plants. So my lst plant is going back into the closet to keep vegging. how ever these 2 i think are getting plenty big enough and i would like to start the 12/12 proccess i think. any input? there 8 weeks old now. have used no nutes. 1 is in MG organic and the other is in MG potting soil. 16 inchs tell. If i am going to put them into flowering i need to invest in some weather sealing to get rida these light leeks.

This is my first grow and i kinda want to get these going so i can start a bubble grow maybe with some lsting.

how soon does the smell start once they go into 12/12? i do not have a filter on the end of my exhaust yet and i cant have any stink getting out



New Member
Look pretty good man, Imnot sure if you can start to flower yet or not. Im a newbie to this so im lookin forward to some answers here myself. Peace and easy does it


Active Member
Looks good to go.

If your stems are not across from each other.

Good to go!

If they are acros from each other..

Not yet.

Yu side growth will be staggered.

Other then that it is based on how big you want your plant.


Active Member
what do u mean if your stems are not next to each other? they all come off the trunk in a V? each node alternates..


Active Member
your plants are fine to flower lots of people go straight 12/12 from seed and plants will not flower unless they are mature enough anyway. just remember that plants will most likely double if not triple in size during the course of the flowering period due to the plants stretching during the dark period from the looks of things your plants will completely fill the chamber you have now and you will find your self having to keep a very close eye on them so they dont touch your lights and get light burn


Well-Known Member
just to let you know,you can put your plants on a 12/12 cycle as soon as they pop out of the soil dog....i just depends on how much room you have to grow with,your plants gonna double the size it is now by the time its done flowering,so if you limited on space,flip em for the smell couldnt tell ya some plants dont really smell as much as others,,,what strain is your plants...they look good though dog,good luck with your grow..


Active Member
space isnt really an issue height wise. im going to take the shelf out above with my LST plant out. Put her in the closet kept on 18/6 for awhile longer. that will free up about 4 feet. I dont know what strain they are. just random bag seeds. So in other words. get my box sealed up get my closet ready and make the flip :-)

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
flower now or thery will be really tall and all that hieght isnt really going to add to more buds. are u only using cfls? if thats the case then good luck getting good lighting down to lower half of the plant.


Well-Known Member
I suggest you switch to square pots. They fit more evenly and they actually hold more dirt.


Well-Known Member
dude those plants look small for 8weeks, give em more light and awhile more vegging if not u aint gona get more than an oz


Active Member
im going to try to attach some lights to the sides of the box or hang 4 down 1 in each corner


Well-Known Member
very little activity :-(

Hey bro, if you are just asking if you can flower them yet.. it depends. How long did you leave them in the veg cycle for? Because you can start seedlings at 12/12 all the way through harvest. May take longer.. and you wouldn't get a good yield. I would say if your happy with the height you have them at.. then yea hit them with the 12/12 cycle. But remember.. they will double in size during the flowering cycle. Keep that in mind in case you have limited growing space. Peace.



Well-Known Member
You can flower whenever you feel like it.

Yet , - i would recommend preparation and a few investments such lights and ventilation.

Alot more light ^^


Active Member
have you looked into lolli-poppin, it's worth checkin out... i'm just finihing my first grow now and will definatly lolli-pop all my girls next time..//(just a thought).
