Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey


Well-Known Member
so with the Top44 girl at 61 days today since start of 12-12 and progressing well and approaching the finish line, maybe I can pay a little more attention to the other girls ..... These other girls have been in the BBox for a week and a half ... after 5 weeks of vegeing. These are the MissMystery and DairyQueen variants of our beloved Cannabis cross. MM is looking more indica, and DQ has the earmark of the cheese and strong sativa expressions. I have shuffled the males to the back of the BBox and brought the girls forward where there is a little more space. So some pictures. They are first of the MM, then the DQ and then the main cola of the top44 just for the helluvit.




Well-Known Member
yes it really does, and the double serration of the UK cheese. She was VERY compact just up until a couple of days ago ..... and she shot up like a rocket ....but I think has slowed down ... or so I think. I swear to god the cheesey smell is already in the BBox but it's gotta be too early .... it is VERY distinctive .... or I have a deep mouse in the corner of my BBox and I don't know it ... hahahaha! :peace:
the DQ looks like it has a lot of sativa in it. :hump:
thanks for visiting man !!
Looking good Tahoe
choppy choppy time is coming for sure .... thanks for your visit!
Mmmmmmmm she looks good enupgh to eat Tahoe, not long till choppy choppy time :peace: out.
'preciate the visit dRg ..... these next ones are gonna be fun too .... walk on!~~ :joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:
sweet!! nice tahoe!


Well-Known Member
I do understand ... and the girls welcome your respect of their junk ...hahahaha!!!!! many thanks for your visit ....

mr west

Well-Known Member
always worth popping in to see ur lovelys Tahoe. I love the way seed plants grow, did u take any cuts of the DQ?


Well-Known Member
no .... I just don't have the space ..... I'm really just not set up for that. I have a pkg of seeds though ....so that time will come .... whaddaya think of her ....has she stretched out? in a bad way?

mr west

Well-Known Member
well its to be expected for plants to stretch wen u take 6hrs of light away from them jus like that, they proably say wtf has happend to the summer? lol they get shorter every year lol.


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha .... too funny ... maybe dq will still be a manherb .... usually though the later ones are fem .... but this is so sativa like ...and therefore slower/later ... maybe I just have another fukin manherb ....

mr west

Well-Known Member
nah man herbs show within a week normaly in my experiance lol but yeah till u see buddage its up in the air, boys always trick me with a hair followed bal a nut lol. Gals make u wait and test ya, we love it lol.


Well-Known Member
hahaha .... like a lady said to me the other day .... we have this control...have always had it.... and always will have it ..... get over it .... now let's git to business at hand (so to speak)... hahahahaha!

so the smell .... its almost rancid like.....of is this my top44 thats starting to smell that deep ...?