Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey

mr west

Well-Known Member
so the smell .... its almost rancid like.....of is this my top44 thats starting to smell that deep ...?

thats almost as helpfull as me saying it tastes fizzy lmao>>>>:joint:cheese:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha .... fuk I really mo lame sometimes .. .what the fuck do you mean .... you don't fukin understand ....like a deep smell ..... hahahaha .... fuk me .... ok ..ok ..ok ..how cn I descriobe it .... it smells rather cheesey like a good blue cheese ... thick and heavy ...?

mr west

Well-Known Member
Full bodied, chunky, enveloping and such i get ya no. Now I can go to bed with a clear mind lol.:D:D:Z


Well-Known Member
nite nite sweet dreams .... and molest your partner .... in the nicest of ways of course.... LOL!


Well-Known Member
highflier .... hahahahaha ..... fukin wow ... haven't seen that before .... hahahahaha! If there are those that are offended by my avatar and my references to hot sticky buns ... I 'm in deep shit with that one!! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Your avatar is bomb dude.
If she was naked some girls might be offended.
She is hot and clothed.
Hehe... I'm offended at the fact that there seems to be an 'excess' of clothing lol... but I'm male lol.
Not enough to disinterest me though ;)
I like it when there's a little left to the imagination.

...hot dames and good weed, tahoe's got it all!


Well-Known Member
not for long .... :hug:
Your avatar is bomb dude.
If she was naked some girls might be offended.
She is hot and clothed.
u came along just in time, already said ... not for long .... hahahaha!
Hehe... I'm offended at the fact that there seems to be an 'excess' of clothing lol... but I'm male lol.
Not enough to disinterest me though ;)
I like it when there's a little left to the imagination.

...hot dames and good weed, tahoe's got it all!
hahahaha .... so totally true. I went out with a lady some months back that had a reduction as a youngster and then re-augmented in her thirities .... pssssstttt .... not sure what's after that? hahahaha!
Naked or not, it doesn't offend me. Busty Dusty is going to be looking for a reduction in the near future...mark my words. ;-)
sister ? ... ah ... uhhhmmm ..... sorry ...bye. :peace::peace::peace::peace::peace:
I frickin told my sister not to where that outfit in public....:spew:

Little attention whore...

and for some VERY odd and silly reason .... this morning ..... I came across this ...... this is the stuff I grew up to ..... hokey as hell but wow ...the mid is amazing at dusting off ole tales of yore ... hahahaha!



Well-Known Member
hey man ... thanks for stopping on by ..... the one (a top 44 strain) is almost done. I have two other fems that are just starting their flowering .... DQ (UK Cheese x C99) and my mystery girl that I have kept secret just for fun .... As she develops we'll see what secrets she has to show us! LOL!!~~ Walking On!!~~~


Well-Known Member
to the left this morning .... its a SAturday. I'm thinking that's pretty normal ... though I am particularly happy this morning .... not exactly sure why .. other than ... I got good weed, and life is simple .... hahahaha!