Explain your avatar


Global Moderator
Staff member
Yukon Moose, Alces Alces. I did not personally take this animal as much as I'd like to say I did - tho I have managed to keep the freezer full of the stuff.


Well-Known Member
fdd, did you explain your avatar yet?

i mean i know its one of your sickest marbles but....

and i liked the old one too "America... fuck yeah!"


Active Member
that is creative... i dont know if i would consider it an insult personally.. it would be like someone calling you a dickshoe or shitcoat or something random... its cool they took the time to make you an avatar tho.. lol

Wht about something like cockknuckle or twat waffle or moose lips? or turd burgler? or meat curtain?


Well-Known Member
i forgot what my avatar is

...oh yeah, its a crop from a pic i took and ran through a filter in ifran view.
I just wanted a weed-related video gamer's pic for my avatar, so I took this pic off google images:

And edited it in Paint to give him a bong, a smoke cloud, and red eyes. I'm pretty happy with the result.


Well-Known Member
mario 3 was the best.. with the whistles and shit.. the frog suit sucked.. but the leaf was cool.. and world 4.. big world.. that was the coolest.. i still think it was the most challenging one so far..