Whats the maximum amount of bud clf's can produce per 1 plant?


Active Member
if you already have a 400watt hps would it be benificial to throw in how ever many cfls you can fit in the room.. i have acsess to a SHIT ton of cfls 75 watt bulbs in like soft light and daytime series... could i just rigg up a bunch of them around my 400hps. im running it on an auto flower strain so i figure the more light the better but will mixing them fuck anything up??? sorry to semi-jack/misdirect the thread with a question.


Active Member
I want to know about how much bud can be grown per plant with cfl's i know it varies on different ways of growing etc. but on average cfl growers how much dry bud weight do you get per plant? Not talking about the people who just do the main cola, whole plants, thx
I knew what to expect as soon as I saw the title of this thread! I'll try to give you an honest answer based on many years of growing experience with both HPS and CFL's :-)

I grew with HPS for years before getting that early morning knock on the door couple of years back. So nowdays I grow just a few small plants under 350watts of CFL's in a small cabinet.

Yields: Using the same methods I would say that dry yields are about 50 to 60% of HPS yields. There is no doubt that HPS produces bigger yields in my opinion.

Density: There is no difference in bud density, I'm growing the same strain I have for over 6 years and I know it well, use CFL's right and you can still produce nice solid dense buds.

Quality: Quality is every bit as good in my experience, Bubba O Kush is my strain and it gets me as stoned as it ever did under CFL's :-)

My CFL method: I grow 12/12 from germination. My small Kush plants average just 21g's under the CFL SO I started growing 2 per 8litre pot (I can only fit 2 8litre pots in my cabinet!) ....thus my yield increased to average 1.5oz dried PER POT :-) I'm very happy with that, around 3 dry OZ every 11 weeks does for me nicely.

I hope these honest answers help you mate, you can do reasonably well with CFL's BUT if like some of these guys you need OZ's and OZ's of buds then go with HPS!

Finally, an example of my bubba O Kush, 12/12 from seed, 2 per pot and 350watts of CFL's, mainly 2700kelvin plus some 6400kelivins (blues) thrown in to balance the spectrum.



Active Member
what method did you use also? lst but did you chop off the lower branches or what how are the colas so big?
I grow 2 seedplants per pot, feminised. I begin LST at around day 18 to 21 soon as I have seen the first pre flowers. I continue to tie them down up until around week 6 then I let the 2 main tops go. This gives me a bit of a cola but also keeps everything short and bushy, they never get taller than 12"! I never top or chop anything from a 12/12 grow, it just slows them down!

Seedplants work best with 12/12 from germination because they are far more vigorous than cuttings in early stages. I'd give clones a couple of weeks to establish roots before doing this personally. They dont get rootbound because they don't put down heavy roots like say a 4 weeks veg period, 2 per pot do just fine, never had a problem this way.

If you are interested heres the links to my last 12/12 seed grow/CFL's (the Kush grow) and my current grow, Nirvana Northern Lights, again 2 per pot, CFL's/LST as usual :-)

Glad to have been of some use, hope to see you in my thread maybe?


First 44 days of a 12/12 from seed grow in a series of pics.

12/12 seed, CFL's/LST/2 per pot...Kush.

12/12 seed, CFL's/LST/2 per pot ...NL's. (current thread, now at day 51)


Well-Known Member
Not worth the risk or the head ache just get hold of a good h.p.s and it will pay for it's self 1000 time's over.Even if it is a 150 watt hps you will produce alot more bud than you will with cfl's.I'm not saying that cfl's/flouresents have not got there place in any grow op because they have but they have not got the power to produce big yeilds.But keep them around so you can make a nice little cloneing room.I have a crop every 4 week so i use cfl's to get the clone's rooted then into the room with the 250hps to get them up to around a foot tall.Then all the clones go into the flowering room for budding.But to do this you will need 4 split rooms 1 with cfl's for clones.1 to get them to a foot tall.2 flowering rooms 4 week between them.


Well-Known Member
With cfls on average. 1 to 1.5 ounces per plant. 2 ounces is pretty doable, just need a shit load of them and you be moving them around alot. Reconsider 400 hps, you will be glad you did.


Active Member
You have to see the bigger picture here though; yes, HPS will probably double your yield, I wont deny that from personal experience of both, but thats as far as it goes. I have a friend, a long time grower who can pull a staggering 11oz fully dried from just 2 UK cheese plant clones (the genuine Exodus cheese) grown in coco under a 400watt HPS... now THAt takes real SKILL........ BUT WTF would I do with 11 OZ of buds? ..... I smoke on average just around 21g a month thesedays max!!!! I ENJOY growing my small plants and I have not bought street weed for many, many years, CFL's do more than enough for me.

So I come back to the point that CFL's can keep a modest smoker supplied, if your a heavier user or like to pass a bit of extra to mates etc then HPS is the way to go but we dont all need buckets full of buds!

remember your name

Active Member
lol yeah i dont necessarily NEED a lot of buds but the more the merrier, yeah the cfl's are freaking awesome for the casual smoker wanting to grow who cant afford or doesnt have room for a big setup for growing. I'm happy to have them around...hahah back in the old days as a kid trying to grow with "plant lights" incandescent bulbs etc. ridiculous.....but i wont say a bad word about hps because i've seen what it can do ^^


FDD has mad love for CFLs! My first grow ever yielded 2.25oz/plant x 2 plants. I used about 10 42W CFLs mixed spectums. Pain in the ass to move them around during the stretch. Get yourself a 400W HPS. It's only slightly hotter than enough CFLs, and WAY more convenient / productive. That was my only grow with CFLs before upgrading to HPS, so I can't really give you an average.

Wow, those CFLs must have cost a fortune. I bought 4 of those, set me back alot. Im using CFLs but hope to get HPS eventually.


Active Member
If you got the money, get a 90 watt ufo. Awsome light for personal use and u can find a used one on ebay for 125$. And you can pull up to 3 or 4 ounces per grow if u add them with your cfls. No heat, silent, massive trichomes on buds and a far better yielder than cfl. Only con is price but for 125$ it pretty reasonable for us stealth growers.

Brick Top

New Member
Even if it is a 150 watt hps you will produce alot more bud than you will with cfl's.
The danger of saying things like a 150-watt HID light would be preferable to CFL’s is that most people new to HID lighting expect too much from it, unless it is higher wattage. I dislike CFL’s, and yes I have tried them so I could compare and not just be talking from what I thought I would think/like, but someone with enough CFL’s and who positions them well can pretty much match anything someone with a lower wattage HID light will do until they learn its limitations and learn how to maximize its use.

The limitations of light penetration of lower wattage HID lighting is more than most people who never used them realize. I did not read this thread from the beginning so I do not know if there were heat issues that would keep someone from using a higher wattage HID light I would say go with a 400-watt HID light with a switchable ballast.

Unless there is some problem that cannot be overcome that would keep someone from using HID lighting that is higher wattage than 250-watts, go with as much more as you can without causing a problem that you cannot overcome or afford to overcome, which I guess would be the same thing now that I think about it.

As long as it does not create a problem more is always preferable to less when it comes to light and that of course also applies to HID lighting.

HID lighting alone is not magic. A lot of HID lighting is magic.