Obama's Certificate of Live Birth...


Illegal Smile

Oh do enlighten us. And get creative - you know how gullible stoners are.

Obama could have been born in Afghanistan for all I care. If he socializes healthcare, ends our imperial dominance and policing of the world, and climbs us out of the recession, I'm a happy man. So we'll see. By April 2010, this recession talk will extinguish, our economy will regain it's strength (the volume of the DOW will be above 10,000), and our reputation among the world will have been heavily improved. So I'd say most Obama supporters are happy.

They could care less where he was born seeing as how it makes NO difference.
In fact I also believe if the people want to elect a president it doesn't matter where he was born, or how old he is. I think article 2 of the constitution should be eliminated. But until that is done by amendment, I think it sets rather a dangerous precedent to just ignore it.

Why not just release the birth certificate, if there is nothing to hide?


Well-Known Member
by the way what makes obama so great i''l be benevolent dictator
i'll scrap the constitution and we'll follow MY rules

u will have a job
u will have healthcare-none
u will have food

first project will be a great wonder to my magnificance we'll call it a gangamid

what... huh?

Active Member

You think snopes and fact check are full of shit.

You think the Hawaii state dept of health director is in on it... and the director of vital records is in on it...

Who else is required to be complicit to forge one? Hawaii does not provide long form certs anymore, it provides ONLY short form certs which are recognized as legal certificates in every state in the union. It has been validated, verified, and corroborated by articles at the time. How does pissing up rope work exactly?

Illegal Smile


You think snopes and fact check are full of shit.

You think the Hawaii state dept of health director is in on it... and the director of vital records is in on it...

Who else is required to be complicit to forge one? Hawaii does not provide long form certs anymore, it provides ONLY short form certs which are recognized as legal certificates in every state in the union. It has been validated, verified, and corroborated by articles at the time. How does pissing up rope work exactly?
Where on earth are you getting your info? Try being audited by the IRS and saying "I'm not going to show you those records, but here is someone who will tell you they have seen them, is that OK?" LOL. Nothing but evidence that is admissable in court means anything. You are nuts if you don't think Hawaii generates long form bcs, in fact Hawaii REQUIRES them for their own job system. And they have said they would release Obama's if he allowed it. LOL You say short forms are accepted in every state, and Hawaii won't even accept their own. Plus it is a known fact that children born abroad were issued colbs just like Obama's.

When all the blahbalh is done stop and consider one simple thing - why is Obama spending millions to avoid releasing the bc? Why, if there is nothing to hide, doesn't he just end it and make his detractors look like fools? Why? Cricketts. NO-one has an answer for that. COVER_UP!


Well-Known Member
my birth certificate came as the back page of a baby magazine. i have it and it's still attached to the magazine it came in. has my name and a sig or 2.

obama won, deal with it, everyone else is.


Well-Known Member
Where on earth are you getting your info? Try being audited by the IRS and saying "I'm not going to show you those records, but here is someone who will tell you they have seen them, is that OK?" LOL. Nothing but evidence that is admissable in court means anything. You are nuts if you don't think Hawaii generates long form bcs, in fact Hawaii REQUIRES them for their own job system. And they have said they would release Obama's if he allowed it. LOL You say short forms are accepted in every state, and Hawaii won't even accept their own. Plus it is a known fact that children born abroad were issued colbs just like Obama's.

When all the blahbalh is done stop and consider one simple thing - why is Obama spending millions to avoid releasing the bc? Why, if there is nothing to hide, doesn't he just end it and make his detractors look like fools? Why? Cricketts. NO-one has an answer for that. COVER_UP!

so they do have it. there ya' go, case closed.:mrgreen: :eyesmoke:

Illegal Smile

so they do have it. there ya' go, case closed.:mrgreen: :eyesmoke:
LOL over and over! I'm willing to assume they do have it, but I also assume it says he was born in Kenya and his real name is Barry Soetoro. If it vindicates him why won't he release it? Don't have an answer for that do ya?

I can see it now: "Yes judge, we got your subpoena for that birth certificate. We're not going to turn it over but we will tell you we have it. Case closed." The court would send US Marshalls to retrieve it.


Active Member

When all the blahbalh is done stop and consider one simple thing - why is Obama spending millions to avoid releasing the bc? Why, if there is nothing to hide, doesn't he just end it and make his detractors look like fools? Why? Cricketts. NO-one has an answer for that. COVER_UP!
are you sure he's actually spending millions? are you sure it isnt free-of-charge to say "no"?


Well-Known Member
LOL over and over! I'm willing to assume they do have it, but I also assume it says he was born in Kenya and his real name is Barry Soetoro. If it vindicates him why won't he release it? Don't have an answer for that do ya?

I can see it now: "Yes judge, we got your subpoena for that birth certificate. We're not going to turn it over but we will tell you we have it. Case closed." The court would send US Marshalls to retrieve it.
if he was born in kenya why the fuck would hawaii have his paperwork?


what is it that you are really upset about?


New Member
So no one bothered to check Obama's birth certificate when he became senator. Gee, I had a job at McDonald's once, and they checked mine. Do you think McDonald's is more thorough at screening applicants than the US government?
I guess you are unaware of how Chicago politics is played?

ANY documents which has Obama legally signing his country of origin are SEALED and GUARDED.....why? Just answer that simple question.....why?


Well-Known Member
we have these same arguments all day everyday.

lets play make-believe and pretend some of them are actually settled.

what are YOU going to do?

i bet no one has any answers. other then "GUNS".

Illegal Smile

if he was born in kenya why the fuck would hawaii have his paperwork?


what is it that you are really upset about?

Obviously you need to do a little work on what an international place Hawaii was in 1961. I'm not here to tutor you. I have been following this for over and year, and have seen in person Hawaii bcs from 1961 with foreign places of birth. They did it because there was no ID in the countries these people were leaving behind, and they wanted to create that. They did not do it as a part of some pro Obama conspiracy. he merely realized he had the loophole and used it.

I would also note that among all the arguments you re-hash every day and can't settle, THIS ONE can be settled once and for all and very easily. All we need is Obama's cooperation.

And more... good point above about the school records. Every other president has allowed school and college records to be public. Not Obama. Word is he got admitted to Harvard as part of a program for foreign students. He's a swich-hitter in more than one way.


Well-Known Member
Obviously you need to do a little work on what an international place Hawaii was in 1961. I'm not here to tutor you. I have been following this for over and year, and have seen in person Hawaii bcs from 1961 with foreign places of birth. They did it because there was no ID in the countries these people were leaving behind, and they wanted to create that. They did not do it as a part of some pro Obama conspiracy. he merely realized he had the loophole and used it.

then you go ahead and do it anyways. :roll:

i said "OK, he wasn't born in hawaii". now what? :neutral:

or do you all ever even think that far?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
some people will argue just for the sake of it/ if you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem