Hash techniques


Well-Known Member
Well, I've heard of screening, ISO washing, and bubble hash. I would like to know the pros/cons of using each, among other questions.

For the screening method, I have heard of people getting very good quality hash, however, not a very high yield at all. Another pro of this would be being able to do higher yielding crops in this.

Now for ISO wash, from what I've seen, it is mostly for small harvests with only a bit-o-trim.

And the bubble hash. I've seen great yield reviews, and everyone seems to be happy with the finished amount, but how is the smoke? From what I've seen, it is almost like resin, which wouldn't be a very fun smoke.

So... which method would you use if your dealing with a 1 lb+ yield from an outdoor plant? (lots o trim)


Active Member
Good question I was about to ask the same thing.

Does gooey hash increase how potent it is because you mixing keif, honey oil, bubble together.....or does that just make it goey so it all sticks to gether Hinse the name and is merely mixing them togther. what up guys school us in hash beyond makeing it


Well-Known Member
i think that the best quality and yield of hash is the bubble hash one. I have not tryed it but im going to soon buy some bubble bags. I found some on ebay for 30-50 bucks.

I have tryed the iso alcohol method many times and its great but doesnt give that much hash. Its cheap and easy though.


Well-Known Member
butane just doesnt sound safe to smoke to me, which is why i really wasn't even taking into consideration iso


Well-Known Member
i can say butane is the ony one i tried and the shit was amazing. i just smeard some on the side of a blunt and smoked it like pcp and it was the highest i ever been for like 4 hours


New Member
ISO and butane work along the same principle, stripping the oil based trichs off of the leaf/bud. Both do an efficient job of it. The quality of the hash is more dependent on the strain and peak of trichs.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 semesters of organic chemistry under my belt so I know how to do all kinds of extractions and what not.

The best method I have seen by far is the butane method. Just make sure you do it outside and stay far from any flames. And don't worry about any butane remaining in the oil as butane boils at very low temperatures. The honey oil should be very pure and you can heat it a little to drive off any residule butane and maybe mix in some ground product if you are after a solid end product. You could also mix in a little isopropyl or other alcohol to help the mixing but that will take some time to evaporate. You could also mix it in before all the butane boils off. At any rate, if you do this, make flat patties, not balls. Balls could hold solvent in the center for quite some time and you don't want to smoke that.

You just want to make sure what ever solvents you use are clean products without anything else in them.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Well, I've heard of screening, ISO washing, and bubble hash. I would like to know the pros/cons of using each, among other questions.

For the screening method, I have heard of people getting very good quality hash, however, not a very high yield at all. Another pro of this would be being able to do higher yielding crops in this.

Now for ISO wash, from what I've seen, it is mostly for small harvests with only a bit-o-trim.

And the bubble hash. I've seen great yield reviews, and everyone seems to be happy with the finished amount, but how is the smoke? From what I've seen, it is almost like resin, which wouldn't be a very fun smoke.

So... which method would you use if your dealing with a 1 lb+ yield from an outdoor plant? (lots o trim)
THC resin is a totally different material than the resin you scrape from your dirty pipes. The later is mostly tar.

TCH resin is tasty, and smoother than regular smoke, and it's naturally concentrated.

I like using the gumby method, just search gumby hash on utube. the nice thing about this method is you don't need specialized equipment like bubble bags or extractors, just a bucket, ice, a mixer or drill, and a strainer.

I know butane extraction is better for purity, but you have the cost of the butane. And don't try to use cheap butane because it will most likely contain impurities.

Another option is hash oil, which uses alcohol or some other solvent to extract the resin from the plant matter, and then you use a double boiler (dangerous) on a hot plate, or just let the alcohol evaporate in the open air (this takes a while). Again the purity of the solvent used is of the utmost importance. Grain alcohol (ever clear) also works, and is known not to contain poisons.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
just ordered 5bags in the one gallon size off of bubblebags.com.I ordered an extra bag in the one gallon size43microns this gives three bags to collect from for about 125dollars .This is great for trim I have ben tossing it out.The quality depends on the meds it is made of.Good smoke ,good hash!