How to make the plants bush out w/o stressing


Active Member
So I've been growing for a couple of harvests now and have produced some of the best weed I've ever had the pleasure of smoking. Now that I've got most of the basics down I am moving towards maximizing the amount per harvest. I've got 6 plants in an ebb and grow system, each with their own 2 gallon pot filled with hydroton. I'm using the full AN lineup and have a 600w HPS light on a track moving over the top of the plants so they all get an even amount of light.

I've tried supercropping (pinching the different branches and then folding them down) with success. I want to try cutting the main stem so it will split off into two main colas and end up with a big tree of sweet, sweet bud. First of all I don't want to stress the plants, which can be pretty damn easy to do when you just cut the stem off...

How would you go about doing this to minimize stress? At what time of their growth would you do this (I've got some rooted clones that have been in veg for a couple of weeks now)? Any other suggestions for getting bigger yields?



Active Member
I always top or "pinch out" at the 4th node. I also do LST (search this site for how 2's). I am doing Aurora Indica in an all CFL indoor grow. Please see my pics in the pics section. 3 weeks into flower. See if you like the results.........


Well-Known Member
I always top or "pinch out" at the 4th node. I also do LST (search this site for how 2's). I am doing Aurora Indica in an all CFL indoor grow. Please see my pics in the pics section. 3 weeks into flower. See if you like the results.........
I'll second the LST suggestion.

It's all in the name: Low Stress Training.


Active Member
Good to know, this post gives some good info on it....

I'll probably wait a week or so to start that on my clones because they are only 3 or so inches tall. I don't have a very big pot that I keep them in for vegetative growth because the height restrictions with ebb and flow trays; would it work to just take them around in a loop once and then let it start growing up rather than keep looping it around?


Active Member
Good to know, this post gives some good info on it....

I'll probably wait a week or so to start that on my clones because they are only 3 or so inches tall. I don't have a very big pot that I keep them in for vegetative growth because the height restrictions with ebb and flow trays; would it work to just take them around in a loop once and then let it start growing up rather than keep looping it around? whatever you feel comfortable with. Watch your plants for signs of stress and introduce changes cautiously. If your plants don't like something u do to them they will let u know.....


Well-Known Member
Try fimming + LST, heres a really good guide
Have a look at his monster bushy plants, think he got about 6lb off 3 plants!

Got to be the best I've ever seen. I usually go for LST myself, but will be trying a fim next grow.

Good luck