Nutrient Deficiency


I was given a few AK47's and White Widows. Since I've had them all I've given them is water every 3 days. Just never got to buying nutes for them. :-?
Last few months the folliage on them has been yellowing like crazy.
One is pre-flowering and the others are already in advanced flowering stages.
I was told by my buddy to Nitrogen them out to get them back greening again and ride them out like that till harvest.

Since they're already blooming. Should I Nitrogen them or PK them?

I'm thinking of getting some Peruvian Bird Guano with 10-10-2 do that for a month have them come back then switch to Bat Guano 1-10-0.2

What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
I was given a few AK47's and White Widows. Since I've had them all I've given them is water every 3 days. Just never got to buying nutes for them. :-?
Last few months the folliage on them has been yellowing like crazy.
One is pre-flowering and the others are already in advanced flowering stages.
I was told by my buddy to Nitrogen them out to get them back greening again and ride them out like that till harvest.

Since they're already blooming. Should I Nitrogen them or PK them?

I'm thinking of getting some Peruvian Bird Guano with 10-10-2 do that for a month have them come back then switch to Bat Guano 1-10-0.2

What do you guys think?
Sounds like a reasonable plan. Get some nitrogen in them to allow the leaves to complete their remaining role in photosynthesis while concentrating on the root system to feed the flowers.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Whats done is done. What you need is a liquid fertilizer. INSTANT. not that you can't make guano tea, it's just that not all nutes in guano are water soluable. I like fox farm myself.


Whats done is done. What you need is a liquid fertilizer. INSTANT. not that you can't make guano tea, it's just that not all nutes in guano are water soluable. I like fox farm myself.

I was thinking of some liquid nutrients but powdered guano is some much cheaper I can just mix it up in water then feed it.

Thanks for the input all if anyone else has anything to add feel free


You get what you pay for and put in. For sure. Not that the most expensive are better.
Yeah unfortunately for under $20 I can get the guano for vegging and flowering. I'm growing on a tight budget:cry:
Hell I was thinking on even doing a urine & water mix but I doubt I can bring em back fast enough with it LOL

Juan Valdez

Active Member
If you go with the powder, let the "tea" sit for a few days and shake it up a bunch a couple times a day. It will allow the "magic" to happen and be available quicker than just dumping dry fertillizer into water then right into the soil.

Good luck, it sounds like you'll be fine!


northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Well first of all how do you even atempt to know the nutrient content of your piss. As far as animal shit, it"s COMPOSTED smarty. You can't dump raw shit on a plant. JEESH!...


Really? Pee and water?:roll:
Here it is quoted and copied from Ed Rosenthal's - The Marijuana Growers Handbook

Urine is also very high in N and is easily absorbed by the plants. It should be diluted to one cup urine per gallon of water. The plants should be kept on a high N fertilizer regimen until they are put into the flowering regimen.

1 cup of urine per gallon of water

I would only do this if your healthy and disea free

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Oh my bad " ED said it"

Unless Jesus comes back from the dead I will never even think of pissing on my girls. You on the other hand, have fun with that.


Well first of all how do you even atempt to know the nutrient content of your piss. As far as animal shit, it"s COMPOSTED smarty. You can't dump raw shit on a plant. JEESH!...

:-D yeah it's composted but it's still dung LOL

Now as far as one's nutrient content of urine I don't know I might have to send off to a lab maybe I can bribe some lab student :-D


SWEET ! ! ! :shock: I was only considering the urine as last resort way of doing it on a budget