Who's on the right VS who's on the left

Who is right and who is left

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Operation 420

Well-Known Member
BINGO. Why in the hell do they all have to congregate here? I don't understand. The ratio to nutjobs/population of US and nutjobs/population on RIU has to be so out of synch. The former is probably 1/1,000,000 while the latter probably 1/4. What's the correlation? Weed!!!

Apparently weed makes one susceptible to whack job theories. There's your anti-drug commercial. How's that for a congratulations fellas? You are buying into the stereotype. The paradigm has shifted.
It's called freedom of speech and you're clearly against it unless it agrees with your views.

Be more hypocritical. The other thread you were saying our first amendment was stronger then ever! Now you're pissed because we're expressing our views.


Well-Known Member
It's called freedom of speech and you're clearly against it unless it agrees with your views.

Be more hypocritical. The other thread you were saying our first amendment was stronger then ever! Now you're pissed because we're expressing our views.
I'm not pissed. I just don't understand, but I made the connection. I was utterly confounded at the high ratio of nut jobs on this specific forum. I'm not mad and I'm certainly not trying to limit your freedom to speak here. You're more than welcome and should be. I'm merely unable to understand why they flock HERE. But I got it - WEED. Weed does in fact rot your brain. Stay away!!!! I must put this joint down:o.

So please try to understand my point before you make silly accusations. It makes you look lazy.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
I'm not pissed. I just don't understand, but I made the connection. I was utterly confounded at the high ratio of nut jobs on this specific forum. I'm not mad and I'm certainly not trying to limit your freedom to speak here. You're more than welcome and should be. I'm merely unable to understand why they flock HERE. But I got it - WEED. Weed does in fact rot your brain. Stay away!!!! I must put this joint down:o.

So please try to understand my point before you make silly accusations. It makes you look lazy.
So you don't mind us being here, and we're welcome, but you continue to try and degrade us by calling us "nut jobs".

Making yourself feel better by calling us "nut jobs", doesn't make you right.


Can I change my vote? I meant to punch the chad for Pat Buchanan...


BINGO. Why in the hell do they all have to congregate here? I don't understand. The ratio to nutjobs/population of US and nutjobs/population on RIU has to be so out of synch. The former is probably 1/1,000,000 while the latter probably 1/4. What's the correlation? Weed!!!

Apparently weed makes one susceptible to whack job theories. There's your anti-drug commercial. How's that for a congratulations fellas? You are buying into the stereotype. The paradigm has shifted.
according to your logic, there is only 300 people in the 9/11 truth movement

when in reality there is millions... tens of millions

dont talk about things you know nothing about

you call us nutjobs because thats EXACTLY what the mainstream has trained you to call us

your supposed to think we are crazy so you wont listen to us

you see how that works?


New Member

you and your completely irrelevant right/left and bi-partisan polls are bullshit

fucking moron

get over ur false paradigm. this has been said hundredssss of times

what... huh?

Active Member
We will stop calling you nutjobs, tin foil hat brigade etc, if you will stop calling us blind, sheeple, and stupid because we disagree with you.

This website is NOT a representative microcosm of America or the world. People who TEND to believe ALL conspiracies DO flock here, and it is not coincidence. No matter how much you wish to normalize your willingness to believe any conspiracy. It is abnormal... not that abnormal by definition is bad... it IS abnormal... and I don't personally believe it is healthy.

Lets try this. Tell me what conspiracy theories you DON'T buy.


Well-Known Member
We will stop calling you nutjobs, tin foil hat brigade etc, if you will stop calling us blind, sheeple, and stupid because we disagree with you.

This website is NOT a representative microcosm of America or the world. People who TEND to believe ALL conspiracies DO flock here, and it is not coincidence. No matter how much you wish to normalize your willingness to believe any conspiracy. It is abnormal... not that abnormal by definition is bad... it IS abnormal... and I don't personally believe it is healthy.

Lets try this. Tell me what conspiracy theories you DON'T buy.
Well-said. It is unhealthy. In fact, Epictetus was correct in saying that pyrrhonist skepticism leads only to one place - constant and inevitable suspension of all debate. I take stock in some off-the-beaten path theories, but you guys with all your FEMA camps, Obama robots, swine flu martial law, Obama BC, 9/11, etc....... theories are simply nuts. Alex Jones is laughing as he profits from your ogling attention and brainwashed automaton-like psyche. Potheads are Alex Jones best friends. I used to be laissez-faire about my kids smoking pot, but now I'm worried. I don't want them to end up like you guys.:shock:

what... huh?

Active Member
I don't think that marijuana is the cause... I think it is that while it does tend to make you paranoid, which cannot help, this sites existence flies in the face of "order" and "rule of law". Many legal growers here, I doubt they are anywhere close to the majority. The very nature of marijuana prohibition, and the willful civil disobedience is what draws, I think... then add paranoia.

I enjoy debate. It is almost impossible with conspiracists. It is possible with some truthers... but like religion... debating it with a fundamentalist will always end nowhere. The reason is the same... they NEED to believe these things in order to satisfy their disfigured puzzle of the world. To be wrong is to be lost, and they find their identity in being "warriors of truth".


New Member
These conspiracies all have things in common. There is a perpetrator (the one who makes the conspiracy spin), the believers (who are just waiting to have their perspective validated), followed by righteous indignation if anyone points out their skewed world view as false.

The other common ingredient is that they don't truly examine the conspiracy objectively....they simply agree with it. Just like alien abduction and .... gasp... religion.


Active Member
yes because conspiracy theorists deserve respect too. its not like they're just spamming the
forum with duplicate threads, falling into group thought and bashing outsiders, and refusing to
present any form of valid evidence that doesn't contain "infowars" or "youtube" in the url.



New Member
Conspiracy theorists are the same as any other marketer....no different. Once they find a willing and gullible audience...they get to work...offering what is WANTED, not accurate but WANTED.


Well-Known Member
yes because conspiracy theorists deserve respect too. its not like they're just spamming the
forum with duplicate threads, falling into group thought and bashing outsiders, and refusing to
present any form of valid evidence that doesn't contain "infowars" or "youtube" in the url.

HAHAHAHA! +rep to you man. Hilarious and true!

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
My Grandpa told me a long time ago how to spot dumb-asses and assholes.
"They're the ones who will walk into a perfectly good time and make politics or religion the topic of discussion. The dumb-ass does it because he doesn't know any better, the asshole does it on purpose."


New Member
I will only discuss politics if i am not hosting the get together. I always find it amusing to confound the person i am talking to with numbers and facts. facts usually derail about 90% of Lib's I meet. Always a chuckle....

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
I will only discuss politics if i am not hosting the get together. I always find it amusing to confound the person i am talking to with numbers and facts. facts usually derail about 90% of Lib's I meet. Always a chuckle....
Yeah, if they actually posed a challenge in discussions it would be a lot more enjoyable.

I haven't met a Liberal that I cannot verbally destroy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if they actually posed a challenge in discussions it would be a lot more enjoyable.

I haven't met a Liberal that I cannot verbally destroy.
After hearing a lecture about satanist world leaders in the bohemian grove worshiping lilith, I would feel pretty destroyed.