When to top?New to the Forum


Active Member
At the moment 2 of my plants are just over 11inchs and the top is getting white hairs(There just over 4 weeks old ive been told that this shouldnt happen this early),But im growing in a small place,any ideas whens a good time to top them?:weed:

Thanks :hump:

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
What are nodes? Is that the set of leaves? What is fim? What happens if you don't top the plant
If you don't top you're plant will grow tall, and have one cola (that's the top), and that's fine if you have unlimited height.

FIMM? There's a good tutorial on FIMMing, by M Blaze. I'll try to find it for you. Topping gives you 2 tops, and lots of branching. FIMM gives you up to 4 tops, and better branching.

If you top of FIMM you're going to need lateral space for your pant to spread out. maybe 1 square foot or more per plant.

Node it where the leaves and branches grow from
If you don't top you're plant will grow tall, and have one cola (that's the top), and that's fine if you have unlimited height.

FIMM? There's a good tutorial on FIMMing, by M Blaze. I'll try to find it for you. Topping gives you 2 tops, and lots of branching. FIMM gives you up to 4 tops, and better branching.

If you top of FIMM you're going to need lateral space for your pant to spread out. maybe 1 square foot or more per plant.

Node it where the leaves and branches grow from
Ok my plants are about 12inches tall, so I should top now? And after I top, they will grow wide, instead of tall? so I use garden scissors and just cut at where the stem and branch meets? So far I pruned the bottom branches, and I got 4 sets of leaves form from that.


Active Member
Hey all :) I have uploaded some pics to my album Could you tell me if to do it now?I just dont wanna F**k them up :) Btw some to the lower leafs got water on them and burned, Be nice please first timer here :D


New Member

dont topp it yet wait for some more nodes to grow.
and your light is far to high as the plant is badly stretched due to lack of light.
bring the light down a wait a couple of weeks before you do anything.
it will give you some time to read up on topping and fimming.
(good luck).
