Phosphorus deficiency? I think! experienced growers please help!!


Active Member
pH looks good. still a little high from what i would keep it at (soil pH)

from left to right:
(N) Nitrogen (green)
(P) Phosphorus (red)
(K) Potassium (blue)
(Ca) Calcium (yellow)
(Mg) Magnesium (purple)
(Mn) Manganese (orange)
(Fe) Iron (light blue)
(B) Boron (black)

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I'm not an expert but it looks like a combination of deficiencies to me. Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium. Maybe even Magnesium. I have a flowering plant at the moment going through all sorts of shit and all I been doing for these past weeks is reading on deficiencies. Hope your plant recovers soon.


Phos deficiency does create grey spots like that, but when it happened to one of mine it was on the inner part of the leaves, not the edges.


Active Member
yeah it was almost 99% an over-fertilization problem. I have watered them only once since with plain water and all but one appear to be recovering quite well. the one htat appears to be not doing so well has basically fallen over and the leaves are all twisted on themselves. Oh well. This is the first time I have used the medium i am using and it appears that in a soilless medium i will need to feed them less often than in soil. im thinking aeroponics for my next grow. trying to find something i can get used


Well-Known Member
yeah it was almost 99% an over-fertilization problem. I have watered them only once since with plain water and all but one appear to be recovering quite well. the one htat appears to be not doing so well has basically fallen over and the leaves are all twisted on themselves. Oh well. This is the first time I have used the medium i am using and it appears that in a soilless medium i will need to feed them less often than in soil. im thinking aeroponics for my next grow. trying to find something i can get used
I could have sworn on my dead dog that you said in your first post that you didnt use any nutes. Now im not one to put my faith out there and maybe I was stoned but didnt you say that? I said it was a deficiency cause you said you didnt use nutes but now you said it was overloaded with nutes. Im just very confused at this moment and im trying to grasp what this problem was.


Well-Known Member
his soil was probably too high in nutrients.. and him feeding just kicked them into a burn..


Active Member
I had this same exact problem in my current grow. All of my plants did this until I transplanted them and switched soils. They just didn't like the premium potting soil I had them in (which contained built in ferts). Your plants look identical, I would say stop with the Grow Big, just use regular water.
this is what is wrong with your plants i have the same problem check your soil and post its n-p-k


Active Member
I could have sworn on my dead dog that you said in your first post that you didnt use any nutes. Now im not one to put my faith out there and maybe I was stoned but didnt you say that? I said it was a deficiency cause you said you didnt use nutes but now you said it was overloaded with nutes. Im just very confused at this moment and im trying to grasp what this problem was.
Lol you must have been high!!! i said i thought it was a deficiency. i never said i wasn't using any nutes. It appears that when using a soil-less mix you have to use slightly less nutrients than when using soil. i can only come to this conclusion based on the fact that my 2 other grows went swimmingly and this one got nute burn!


Well-Known Member
Lol you must have been high!!! i said i thought it was a deficiency. i never said i wasn't using any nutes. It appears that when using a soil-less mix you have to use slightly less nutrients than when using soil. i can only come to this conclusion based on the fact that my 2 other grows went swimmingly and this one got nute burn!
That makes no sense at all. A soiless mix has far less nutrients than a soil mix. A plant growing in a soiless mix should require FAR more nutrients than a plant growing in a nice organic soil. So you've got a soilless mix that you were adding Growbig to. I'm going to say that you have MICRO nutrient deficiency(s). Namely magnesium and calcium. Your medium has little to no micro nutrients. There's some in the vermiculite but thats about it. Growbig is heavy on macros but not alot of micro nutrients. Having the proper PROPORTION of macro and micro nutrients is key!
And as someone else said keep a close eye on your PH with that much peat in your mix. peat moss WILL lower your PH as it breaks down over the course of your grow.
This is a Mg def. its easy to confuse with nute burn because of the dead tips.

Cacium def >

If it is a Mg and/or cal. deficiency adding some epsom salt will fix it in a matter of days. But I would suggest you get hold of a more complete micronutrient formula for flowering in that medium.


Active Member
Thank you very much!!! that has been most helpful. I also use the fox farm big bloom..... if that helps any....should i still add the epsom salt?


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much!!! that has been most helpful. I also use the fox farm big bloom..... if that helps any....should i still add the epsom salt?
Big bloom is very weak organic fert. I don't think it's the cause of your problem. If you are pretty sure it's mag then go ahead with the epsom salt. Be careful with it. Foliar feeding with it is best IMO. If you can get your hands on some cal-mag it's even better.


Well-Known Member
Big bloom is very weak organic fert. I don't think it's the cause of your problem. If you are pretty sure it's mag then go ahead with the epsom salt. Be careful with it. Foliar feeding with it is best IMO. If you can get your hands on some cal-mag it's even better.
Its pretty hard to burn a plant with FF Grow Big and Big Bloom. I use both of those and cant imagine how much i would have to use to burn my plants. It would be a lot! Especially growing them in a benign soiless mix.