The worst day of my life!!!murder,and i know who id it


Well-Known Member
I'd put sugar in her engine or write things in her grass with weed killer... or light somthing on fire ohh fire :)... I cant even say what I Would do actualy :)...
that was one nice plant man... shes an asssss holeeeee
what the fuck... people used to get burned at the stake for shit like that.


Well-Known Member
If my sister did that, I'd beat the hell out of her.
But then again, she wouldn't do that, cause she's cool.
All anyone can really say is "that sucks", but it does no justice.
Grow indoor.


Well-Known Member
thans guys,but im sorry to report that there are new develpements and i didnt think they could but they've taken a turn for the worse.she told family that didnt know,but n all reality new,you get what im saying?they just thought everything i did was in the past....shit,but my family loves me,she's the only oddball cop calling,sitch i know,and we always knew she didnt have the heart for this kinda stuff,in her eyes every man thats down on his luck is a dope fiend with no typ of future,where as when i see a down and out man,i can see how life can throw u a curve ball,....but there a up side to all of this,someone im involved with has seen the light and has welcomed me to make a new start at there sight!!so things are looking up,lol..i love it,its a small set back,and what do you kno,i just got a push to steps forward,i will keep you good pl posted,it will be a second but it will be!!!!but these were my first virgins, cut off all the outer ayers of the poisened buds adin the middle was light green frost buds,,im hanging them,i'll probly only geat a 1oz. dry of three plant,it shriveled the shit out of them....i quick dried a gram,it was fucken great,uppity stony high,funny thng i got a scope the night b4 and the trchomes were decent,cloudy with er lil amber,but still an up high followed by the downer side after about an hour....atleast i got to taste her,i atleast owed her that much,lol...a buddy even anted to take a eighth off my hands,i laughed and told him sorry buddy but i just cant shes all mine,whats left of her.....again thanks guys and ill bieng doing no retaliation to her,trust me shell never come by again,i cant say how i know this but i know,i just hope i never see her again,r these lines read-able,arent they?


Well-Known Member
Man sorry to hear about that, but glad to hear you have a fresh start. I probably would talk to my sister ever again if she pulled a stunt like that.


Well-Known Member
never ever,i reallt took adose of reality in the world of growing,it depresses me becouse of all the time and love i put into them,ive just grown a bigger resectfor this bueatiful plant and the ppl who give them life,its truly is a bueatiful thing....not the way i wanted to learn this,lol..but it happened and i did......much respect for my fellow growers...rasacal:joint:


Well-Known Member
i'm speechless.......

maybe hose it down first thing tomorrow morning. or even tonight. hose it down then shake it off real good.


Well-Known Member
i'm speechless.......

maybe hose it down first thing tomorrow morning. or even tonight. hose it down then shake it off real good.
yeah i did that,it looked likethey were getting worse,i pulled them,one i potted and left a few branches and hopefully it will take so i can rejuvenate the plant,then bring her indoors,i hope!i trimed and hung the rest,like i said i lost most of it but after trimming whats left its not too bad,im trying to make the best out of it,lol..if it would of fully matured the buds would of been great,ill post pics tommorrow,didnt pick up cam.good smoke even though,i cant wait o get started again.....rascal


Well-Known Member
yeah i did that,it looked likethey were getting worse,i pulled them,one i potted and left a few branches and hopefully it will take so i can rejuvenate the plant,then bring her indoors,i hope!i trimed and hung the rest,like i said i lost most of it but after trimming whats left its not too bad,im trying to make the best out of it,lol..if it would of fully matured the buds would of been great,ill post pics tommorrow,didnt pick up cam.good smoke even though,i cant wait o get started again.....rascal

i don't want to see.:cry:


Well-Known Member
What you do is you break into their house and plant a bunch of heroin and coke. Then you leave everything untouched like you were never there. Call the guys sergeant and tell him he sells you drugs. I know he isnt the one that did it but if hes not a cop anymore your sister will lose her power trip. Then you can kill her dog. J/K. Then call her up and ask her how her husband is doing. I know it will probably never work but its an idea.


Well-Known Member
all i can say is karma is a motherfucker. people can think they are the shit all they want and fuck everyone over. but in the end karma has a shit stick for them lol. a big ole shit stick randy mwuhahahah. whoa i bugged out for a second.:twisted:


Well-Known Member
were gonna need a shit barometer randy. I love that show. Ive never seen it on in the u.s but i watched all 7 seasons online. I hope its not the end for the tpb's.


Well-Known Member
What you do is you break into their house and plant a bunch of heroin and coke. Then you leave everything untouched like you were never there. Call the guys sergeant and tell him he sells you drugs. I know he isnt the one that did it but if hes not a cop anymore your sister will lose her power trip. Then you can kill her dog. J/K. Then call her up and ask her how her husband is doing. I know it will probably never work but its an idea.
yeah bigflint it probly wouldnt but i get what your saying, but what ever is in the cards for her im sure its gonna be a priceless sight to see,lol...
im already getting past this....and the wheels for my new begining are already in motion.check this out today i had to go take some stuff to the dump so i go and when i get there i see this guys dad i used to hang out,were taliking about good times and after the conersation is over he tells me that randy(my friend)has bieng trying to get in touch with me,we trade #'s and his dad tells me that randy is a certified electrician,he must have seen my eyes practicly jump out of there sockets,lol.i've made contact with randy,we're getting together tonight,hahahah...i love it.....ras


Well-Known Member
sometimes in my life a negative somehow turns into a somewhat postive begining. glad to see things are looking up.


Well-Known Member
You should beat the shit out of her boyfriend because hitting a chick is wrong. Even if shes your sister.


Well-Known Member
lol i had 3 plants growing in my backyard and then....i got drunk and ran them over = ( only one's left and it JUST started budding a week ago...this is my first grow so i have no idea when i need to harvest or how much i should get off of one branch = ( im saddened:peace::joint:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
yeah bigflint it probly wouldnt but i get what your saying, but what ever is in the cards for her im sure its gonna be a priceless sight to see,lol...
im already getting past this....and the wheels for my new begining are already in motion.check this out today i had to go take some stuff to the dump so i go and when i get there i see this guys dad i used to hang out,were taliking about good times and after the conersation is over he tells me that randy(my friend)has bieng trying to get in touch with me,we trade #'s and his dad tells me that randy is a certified electrician,he must have seen my eyes practicly jump out of there sockets,lol.i've made contact with randy,we're getting together tonight,hahahah...i love it.....ras
Glad to see it turning around for you. Fuck her. You could make her go crazy though if you really wanted revenge. I know many ways to fuck with someone's head and make them go crazy. Little things over time. But then again she has her own karma and it will come back to bite her all by itself. :peace:

Ps, don't kill her dog though.