3 week old bag seed grow help needed!!


Hey guys,

The jist of the story is that I had a family emergency and had to leave for a little over a week on extremely short notice. Plants/fan have been on a timer...but they haven't been watered at all for about 9 days. When I left they were very green/healthy looking, now they appear to be 'parched', there are brown spots/yellowing and some curling tips. Can you try to help diagnose my plants?

Currently they are in scotts potting soil, I am transplanting to significantly larger containers, and will give them all a good quart of water for the transplant (I watered them all about 3.5 quarts each when I got back last night)

I also just got a PH meter, so I will test the soil/water from now on (before was just filtered water that I let sit out for a day).

I will post the pics very soon.



Active Member
Hey guys,

The jist of the story is that I had a family emergency and had to leave for a little over a week on extremely short notice. Plants/fan have been on a timer...but they haven't been watered at all for about 9 days. When I left they were very green/healthy looking, now they appear to be 'parched', there are brown spots/yellowing and some curling tips. Can you try to help diagnose my plants?

Currently they are in scotts potting soil, I am transplanting to significantly larger containers, and will give them all a good quart of water for the transplant (I watered them all about 3.5 quarts each when I got back last night)

I also just got a PH meter, so I will test the soil/water from now on (before was just filtered water that I let sit out for a day).

I will post the pics very soon.

You diagnosed your own problem. They were under watered. Pep em up with some water but don't drown them, its just as bad as them being under watered. They should pick back up just fine in a few days to weeks depending on the lighting you are using.


You diagnosed your own problem. They were under watered. Pep em up with some water but don't drown them, its just as bad as them being under watered. They should pick back up just fine in a few days to weeks depending on the lighting you are using.
I know I got the underwatering thing right (which I think I have been really underwatering them to begin with. I have been giving 2 quarts every 5 days....I feel it should be closer to 3/3.5 every 5 days.

I am still going to put up the pics so y'all can try to help me with the curling (possibly N deficiency?) I will also take a soil PH and a water PH reading. I am using the scotts with the time release nutes, so maybe when I transplant I should move to some organic soil? or should I just fill the pots with more scotts?

And any tips for transplanting? The top of the soil is still visibly damp (but not saturated).


Well-Known Member
I am using the scotts with the time release nutes, so maybe when I transplant I should move to some organic soil? or should I just fill the pots with more scotts?

And any tips for transplanting? The top of the soil is still visibly damp (but not saturated).
My plants are 32 days old, also in Scott's - they seem to like it. I've also read it is a little less stressful if you put them into the same soil they are used to when transplanting.

A tip - let the soil dry before transplanting as well - then you can water them in to the new soil.

Good luck!:peace:


New Member
true scotts potting soil has no added nutes and a ph of (7.0 neutral).
i use it every time and every brand i test with a soil tester/meter probe always has given me a ph between 6.5 ph and 7.0 ph.
