Should i cut my fan leaves away????


Well-Known Member
well i normally strip my fan leafs at flower time about halfway through i would not do it when plant is growing though

only consider it after stretch of flower groth finish and concentration put on buds

you must do whats best for you you are doing the right thing collecting data ask questions and then do what you think is best

I found here you get 3 say its black 3 say its white 3 say its gray 3 give you an answer anyway although they are blind

either way you get answeres as you can see

best of luck to you bro
and may the grow gods smile upon your seeds


Well-Known Member
I have never had the desire to cut living parts of my plants off - short of taking a bit off a growing tip to top or FIM if I need to keep a plant low for security... and I hate even doing that. And I can understand the logic behind lollipopping if you really just want a main cola type harvest...

But what is this fascination with wanting to just cut fan leaves off? The fan leaves are there for the sun. The buds are there for reproduction. So the logic that cutting fan leaves off to get light to a bud makes no sense and would be counter-productive if common sense has anything to say about it...

If you want your plant to use sunlight properly and grow as healthy as possible - let the leaves do their thing so the bud can do its thing.