molasses and nutrients all help appreciated greatly!!!


Well-Known Member
i am a soil grower for the record,and i have a question involving the molasses i just purchased recently,do i mix molasses with my nutrients in my gallon jug or should i have one gallon w/ nutes one gallon w/ molasses seperate just wondering because i put molasses in WITH my nutes and it looks like soft little peices of particle almost like wet paper floating around in my jug after a couple days...thought my jug somehow got contaminated so i dumped it all out and cleaned the jug. after re dioing the process mixing one table spoon of molasses and one table spoon of bloom nutes into a gallon of water and it was all clean...sure enough after 3 or 4 days the mystrious floaters re appeared is it ok to put on the plant? is the molasses fuckin with the nutes somehow?


Well-Known Member
appreciate the help...any idea what the fuck the particles might be? thats whats really trippin me out


Well-Known Member
now besides the mysterious floating chunks there is also a musky almost spoiled smell coming from the nutrient/molasses it just from being stagnant? is it bad to put on the plants? bump!


Well-Known Member
You should not water with molasses and nutes. Switch it off. Nutes then Water then molasses


Well-Known Member
What you are probably seeing is anaerobic fermentation. These are bad bacteria. You need to aerate your molasses at least once a day. This will give you a much better product, molasses tea. Good that you didn't use what you had. Anaerobic bacteria can do harm and spoil your grow.


Active Member
"i always use one tablespoon per gallon. the easiest way to add it in, is to boil water, mix the amount in a cup of hot water, and pour that into your prepared bucket/jug of nutes. the cool water nutes will cool the hot water instantaneously.

and, molasses is most helpful/beneficial in flower. i don't use it in veg, unless i have a calcium deff, which is almost never.

We’d like to remind folks to be careful out there . . . happy harvests from the 3LB! ..."

--Source--: <-- Posted in the FAQs

Alot of helpful info can be found there if you look. :leaf:


Active Member
I have also heard of people letting their molasses ferment by keeping it in a container after mixing it with water and releasing the gases in the container a couple of times a day.. but I would have to find the thread on here. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I have also heard of people letting their molasses ferment by keeping it in a container after mixing it with water and releasing the gases in the container a couple of times a day.. but I would have to find the thread on here. :leaf:
that's molasses tea, gives you the full benefit of molasses
just pop the top and shake once or twice day
some prefer a bubbler system, which probably gives a better product


Well-Known Member
partly depends on the nutes, molasses is more of an organic method, works well with organic nutes
many growers will ferment a molasses tea, then add nutes to the tea


Well-Known Member
i am wondering the same thing...i think if i were you GROWONE, i would mix seperately if yr getting weird build up...i was getting a funky ass smell when i was mixing alaska 511 with a gal water, and after one feeding, and letting it sit, i would unscrew the top and it would stink like 10 times worse then fish fert already smells. i didnt want to put that shit on my plants, so i dumped it. I just mix as i go now for the most part. it seems to work best for me, although, i know most ppl dont do this. i mixed the molasass with the gal of water, and let it sit, alone tho. just open the cap every day, or every other day.


Well-Known Member
its just a chemical process . even plain sugar in the water will do the same shit you will see white floaters . this is a natural process of the sugars breaking down and turning into some thing else . if you ask me its actually trying to form into liquor . any ways this natural process is happening in the soil after you water it. this is not a bad thing . basically it makes the soil alive with micro organs . if there is small white chunks for a day later go ahead and water I do . if there is huge chunks then I dump it out. that shit stinks to.