TrainWreck GreenHouse

mr west

Well-Known Member
how ya getting on with the netting as suport? Ive not got a cheese in flower yet im gonna put my 3 foot cheese mum into flower this week lol, there will be shedloads of puppet strings im thinking for me.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>echeese:joint:

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
The net is cool mate saves me the shedloads of puppet strings lol.
Smoked some ai last night thats been curing for a few months very tripy stuff!!
My poor mate was wazzered by the end of the night.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
coming on a treat WW i made the mistake of leaving the lower branches on mine, wish id chopped em off now, hindsights a bitch....

your stems are looking real thick n healthy. was meaning to ask how much you yielded roughly?

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
coming on a treat WW i made the mistake of leaving the lower branches on mine, wish id chopped em off now, hindsights a bitch....

your stems are looking real thick n healthy. was meaning to ask how much you yielded roughly?
I dont know mate it was loads for 2 plants filled two big 2100ml jars.
Iv got about 1/2 a jar left.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Fed them both last night 1000ppm 2ml Miracle Grow 2ml Canna P/K to 2 pints of water each.

I really like what you've done here Welshy.
That's the shit!
Opening all that branching out has increased your yield and quality dramatically.
What your doing is the perfect way of treating that lanky dame you fellaz know as the 'real cheese'.
Love the net ;)
Good work mate.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
So here we are 8 weeks in and looking sht.
Not good to have temps at 100f.

Cool tube is in and temp are at 80f.
