9k first grow


Active Member
Man, Doe stated explicitly in his first post of this thread he did not want DOUCHE NOZZLES creating negative post on his thread. Low and behold all of the DOUCHE NOZZLES came out of the wood work and started typing negative shit. Can't u fuckers take no for an answer? No means NO. Don't you think that he probably considered the risk before doing this? Don't we all consider the risk before doing it? DUH!! Most of the people on here lack the Ballz to attempt an OP like this, so when someone actually does, losers troll his thread. You had some of the big names following your thread man, So that means you done something right. Congrats on your hard work and I hope it turns out well for you!


Active Member
Lol cya later mr Doe... He wasnt busted just tired of the bullshit and prob tired of the drive.. Maybe you will be smokin some of Mr Doe's shit next time you buy a bag........................

Good luck to you mr doe