lolz it went pretty well my man. i ate the rest of those bones and went to a friends house and smoked a few different bongs while playing this xboxlive gameshow called "1 and 100" for a little while..
i drank 2 of the 24 oz there and left with my other, and went to my other buds house in the hood and brought a doobie over and we went and got 5 more 24 oz high lifes, i drank 3 more and then drove home with half a one still in my can. i actually brought it inside i guess lolz cuase its right here next to my mouse...
haha when i woke up this morning i found a plate of food, and it smelled like puke. i remembered,
i put down a layer of mixed salad greens, and put taco sauce on it. and was eating some microwavable frozen fetucci, while waiting for the pizza in the oven to get done. when the pizza was done i put it on top of the salad with taco sauce and went to my room. looked like i at like a quarter of the whole thing, and i remember i puked about half a cups worth of puke, into a cup lolololz. the cup was up here too this morning but i got rid of it already...
i woke up with my lights on, on my back in nothing but my boxers, pretty much passed out i guess i was. i woke up staring directly at a light taht had been on all night... that shit had no effect on my sleep man haha i was OUT