Obama for president in 2012


New Member
No, I mean his agenda for complete control. he's petering out as we speak. America is waking up to the nightmare policies and the permanent EXPENSE and entitlement.


Well-Known Member
Barring any more bonehead Orwellian tactics like flagatwhitehouse.gov, Obama will not be impeached, but his time is running out. Mid-terms are next year and he will be neutralized just as Bush was in 2006. He is showing himself to be the political neophyte that the hope and change successfully camouflaged during the campaign.

I think I'll call it Palin's Revenge.


Well-Known Member
No, I mean his agenda for complete control. he's petering out as we speak. America is waking up to the nightmare policies and the permanent EXPENSE and entitlement.
A nightmare agenda of not just just stepping back and letting the country collapse? By trying to get people with no insurance an affordable option, that they can't just get dumped if they get sick?

I love that you say he is petering out in AUGUST of his 1st year in office.

In case you hadn't heard America was in a financial crisis, and finally we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.


Well-Known Member
Yes Obama 2012!!
I'm a believer now!
I don't know how I could have been so stupid.
I mean Ron Paul, what a joke.

Anyway, We need to get Cash for couchs going.
say 250-350 bucks to buy us a new couch.
Or maybe TVs We turn in our old TVs and get a
couple hundred for new ones HELL YEAH!
We could have full employment!!
That way we know the government disposes
of those TVs proporly so they don't polute.

I can't wait under Obama everything will be free.
Soon I will not have to pay for healthcare,
After that I bet he will bring out his new plan
to maintain all cars at peak performance.
We can't have people driving around in un-tuned up cars.
What if our car breaks down?
How will we get to work!.
Yep in a year people will be so happy with health care
they will demand auto coverage as well.

Yep everything will be grand when government covers us all we will all be truely equil.
When everyone with more then a million bucks
has their assets liquidated there will be plenty of money and resources
for the poor to live a life worth living.

Its a good thing Ron Paul wasn't elected.
All that money we spent building the worlds largest embassy would have been wasted.
All the money we spent on those bases in Iraq ... gone, never to be seen again.
This way we can protect all out Allies like Isreal and Saudi Arabia from that evil Iran.

I mean what have we ever done to Iran.
Why do they hate us?
I don't even know who or where they are?
I mean where would the rest of the world be
without our bases bringing stability to all the nations of the world.
Where would they be without the trillion $ a year we spend defending them from Al-Qeada.

Yep, Obama has his shit together.
I sure am relieved we have so many smart people
in this country capable of makeing such important desisions
And electing such a political and economic genius!


Well-Known Member
ron who? =/

ron paul would have stuck to his word as well as obama has to his. it was an election. you say whatever you can so you get elected. i learned this in 7th grade. seriously. i ran for VP and the teachers taught us all this. i said i'd "try" to get soda to come out of the water fountains. i had NO intention of making this true, but i said i'd "try". it was part of my campaign speech. the crowd roared. teacher helped me on that one. the vote was so close they counted 3 times. i lost. :(


Well-Known Member
A nightmare agenda of not just just stepping back and letting the country collapse? By trying to get people with no insurance an affordable option, that they can't just get dumped if they get sick?

I love that you say he is petering out in AUGUST of his 1st year in office.

In case you hadn't heard America was in a financial crisis, and finally we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Yes we are. Stocks are doing great (I've personally made sick sums of money recently, and I'm not stock savvy), positive growth is being shown, and attitudes are improving. Just wait...April of 2010 and all will be well again.

I'd say it's one campaign promise Obama will fulfill - fixing the economy. He failed with the troops and failed with the bailout of GM (even though it was a wise economical decision), but will succeed in fixing the economy. If only he realized that the quickest way out of this mess would be to cut the military budget in half. Cut military spending and we can fix EVERY ailment our country faces. Fucking evil imperialist military.


Well-Known Member
ron who? =/

ron paul would have stuck to his word as well as obama has to his. it was an election. you say whatever you can so you get elected. i learned this in 7th grade. seriously. i ran for VP and the teahces taught us all this. i said i'd "try" to get soda to come out of the water fountains. i had NO intention of making this true, but i said i'd "try". it was part of my campaign speech. the crowd roured. teacher helped me on that one. the vote was so close they counted 3 times. i lost. :(
Shouldn't have said 'try'. Your constituents would have liked more straightforward diction. "I WILL get soda in those damn water fountains!" - now that would have swayed the vote.


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't have said 'try'. Your constituents would have liked more straightforward diction. "I WILL get soda in those damn water fountains!" - now that would have swayed the vote.
if i knew then what i know now i would have been running that whole town. :hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
I don't buy that with Ron Paul.
He has a reputation for doing exactly what he says he will do.
Thats the main reason I suppored him.
His constituants come in,
farmers, who want federal money.
He says I will put the bill in for you.
But I will vote against it.
He still gets elected.
Because He does exactly what he says.
But whatever I ain't gonna convince you.


New Member
Barring any more bonehead Orwellian tactics like flagatwhitehouse.gov, Obama will not be impeached, but his time is running out. Mid-terms are next year and he will be neutralized just as Bush was in 2006. He is showing himself to be the political neophyte that the hope and change successfully camouflaged during the campaign.

I think I'll call it Palin's Revenge.
I agree Johnny. He won't be impeached. he might qualify to be impeached, but no one will have the guts to actually do it. We all know how the left reacts to failure of this degree. They break out the matches faster than a 14 year old.


Well-Known Member
I agree Johnny. He won't be impeached. he might qualify to be impeached, but no one will have the guts to actually do it. We all know how the left reacts to failure of this degree. They break out the matches faster than a 14 year old.

the day i realized we are all screwed .......................

the florida chads. they were like, "well what if we did fuck up? now what?" no one had an answer and it kinda seemed they just "went with what they had". at that point i realized how easily this all could crumble and how lame it all really is. :bigjoint:


New Member
I think if you looked at almost ANY state to the degree that Florida was examined....you would have found just as many problems.

Let's just take the very last election and examine Illinois...Obama's home state. Honestly, if you put that entire states vote under a sharp microscope...what do you think you would find? Honestly??


Well-Known Member
I think if you looked at almost ANY state to the degree that Florida was examined....you would have found just as many problems.

Let's just take the very last election and examine Illinois...Obama's home state. Honestly, if you put that entire states vote under a sharp microscope...what do you think you would find? Honestly??
that's just it. i vote at the old folks home. they run the polls. half of them get wheeled downstairs that morning. :shock:
i now vote by mail, which is just as scary.


New Member
Oh, you can rest assured it's been corrupted. No paranoia there.

If it is true and now beyond our control, then the experiment of a democracy is over. I'm sorry to hear you say that.


Well-Known Member
Oh, you can rest assured it's been corrupted. No paranoia there.

If it is true and now beyond our control, then the experiment of a democracy is over. I'm sorry to hear you say that.
the world is "fighting" for "peace". it makes NO sense. we have been doomed from day one. this is all fun and games for a few powerful people. go fishing. :hump:


New Member
I agree.... it's a fools chase. Chasing peace brings us war.

We start off with lib's trying to make everyone happy thinking that THEN they will like us.... that doesn't work. Then by the time the country is fed up with the lib's soft touch on enemies, we swing the other way.

How about just stripping down the govt. to a bare minimum and starting over again.


Well-Known Member
I agree.... it's a fools chase. Chasing peace brings us war.

We start off with lib's trying to make everyone happy thinking that THEN they will like us.... that doesn't work. Then by the time the country is fed up with the lib's soft touch on enemies, we swing the other way.

How about just stripping down the govt. to a bare minimum and starting over again.

Thats the Spirit a do over!
Strip this some-bitch to the bones keep what works toss the other crap out.
We've learned alot from this go around.
Next time will be better.
Hell this run lasted better then 200 years.
Bet we can get 300+ next time.