growing with cfls any increase in time


hi all
the person who gave me my clone has told me that it fully flowers in 9 weeks the only difference is he is using a 1000w hps for multipul plants and i am using cfls for just the 1. i am using 5x 25w and 1 x 30w 2ft flouro tube. what i am asking is with what i am using could i expect it to take slightly longer or will it be about the same amount of time.


New Member
hi all
the person who gave me my clone has told me that it fully flowers in 9 weeks the only difference is he is using a 1000w hps for multipul plants and i am using cfls for just the 1. i am using 5x 25w and 1 x 30w 2ft flouro tube. what i am asking is with what i am using could i expect it to take slightly longer or will it be about the same amount of time.
it will take the same amount of time to just wont be as dense


Active Member
my exerpirence with cfls, took longer, didnt produce as much bud as it could of but still got jus under 1 oz, its about 8-9 weeks the strain i had and i was in week 9 and still could of gone for another week/ week and half but had to chop early due to circumstances, the main bud was dense the others was slighty airy, my grow was with 3 x 25watt cfls 1 x 20 watt, your using a lot more light then what i did so your results are going to be better,,,, overall for the light i used i done really well just such a shame i had to chop a week to early, good luck