start the budding proccess manually?


Active Member
I am gonan be growing 1 plant in my yard for fun since i found a seed in my doobie yesterday. I have some knowledge on growing it from reading from here and other places but i never learned if i can say i want to flower my plant when its like 1" tall. how can i begin and at least speed up the growth cycle so it can flower. i dont have long to grow either like 2 months max if i last that long since i may get 2 cold. if anyone has advice to help me out please let me no.

thanks guys.

stare alto

Active Member
you have to at least veg your plant for a few weeks.. if the plant is that small and weak it cant even produce or hold bud. in order to flower it must be at least 6 inches and the most you will get is a gram. I would wait till a third set of leaves grows in.. usually 2-3 weeks, than start flowering.


Active Member
haha this reminds me of my first time growing i had a 5 inch plant with a little bud on top i was so proud of my self grew it under a desk lamp... but back to the thread your plants will veg for around three weeks no mater what and every where plants are beging to flower so hurry up it wont git that big anyways.. its just a bag seed i say germ it and throw it out there... good luck man


Active Member
haha ok thanks. ill grow it for a few weeks and see if ill start to flower even if i get a gram ill sell it then buy more seeds online lol.


Active Member
haha ok thanks. ill grow it for a few weeks and see if ill start to flower even if i get a gram ill sell it then buy more seeds online lol.
noooo what ever u do do not sell it sit back pack a boul and enjoy it by your self .... its worth it ... u got till next year to buy seed if u can buy weed u can buy seed.


Active Member
ok i wont sell.... and indoor is not an option jon. i heard that if your plant gets at least 3 hours direct sunlight it will grow fast for a few weeks so if i can get it to like a foot in 2months then if can bud until it gets cold.


Well-Known Member
its worth a shot to try it and see what happens...whats the worst that could happen? It doesn't grow? Oh well...try planting next May and you'll be golden like a shower! LoL