Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey


Well-Known Member
thanks .... you shoulda seen the guys doing demo tricks on the jetskis .... full spiral 360's traveling forward

I harvested two branches. Its close and I'm just gonna do a little here and there .... though I expect I will not leave her more than a few days anymore .... guess we'll see.

I clipped these nugglets and its 60g wet .....

looks like sum dank good job!!!!let us know a dry weight:joint:


Well-Known Member
If it sticks to the general rule, should have about 15 dry grams"you loose 75% of weight when drying, and thats a good way to tell its done drying" Jorge Cervantes.


Well-Known Member
top of the morning to ya'lll. The beginning of another week, the the journey continues.

many thanks for your visit man ....a couple of early branches to test ...... I like it!!~~~ :peace:
looks like yur ready,, looks good bro.raider.
DoW .....absoutely. I wanted to try taking early. People talk about different "lifts" from different stages of maturity .... I wanted to check that out .... I'm still stuck in smoking old leafer reefer from 30+yrs ago ....hahahahah!!!!~~~ But for sure they are early .... I will be leaving the rest of the plant for still a few days? or maybe a week? I'll keep watching. Thanks for your visit and you thoughts. much appreciated .... !!~~:peace:
If it were me, I would give them a little bit longer, seeing a couple of green pistils.

Looks fantabulous though :)
hey buddy thanks .... you, me, nugglets, and the lake ...and a couple of THESE ..... oh and our helmets, and carbonfibre bulletproof wetsuits. A couple of lanky blondes might complete the package. Got any licorice? :eyesmoke:
nice nuggets. :hump:



hey man thanks for the visit .... walk on!!~~
looks like sum dank good job!!!!let us know a dry weight:joint:
I'll be keeping a watch ....
If it sticks to the general rule, should have about 15 dry grams"you loose 75% of weight when drying, and thats a good way to tell its done drying" Jorge Cervantes.


Well-Known Member
adjustable steering, cruise control and cup holders. :hump:

but will it do barrel rolls? :cool:



Well-Known Member
that's fukin amazing .... tell me that the last one in red white and black is a girl and I want to sleep with her .... I bet she'll real cuddly like! hahahaha!


Well-Known Member
hahahaha .... ok ... I'm hiding ... now .... ugghhh.... russian dude .... T you really have some fundamentals to learn !@!

Great other vids though .... talk about extreme sports! hahaha ... doing a barrel roll with the FZR .....shit man the think weighs like 800lbs! and has 310hp .... fukin scary!! but probably once you learn it scary fun !! LOL!!
pretty sure it was a russian dude. :hump:


Well-Known Member
oh fuk no ... I got a black .... ahh ummm a blue .... a green ...... another blue ... hmmm... yellow ..... oh shit another friggin white ..... should I get rid of both or do two of them cancel each other out? LOL!


Well-Known Member
oh fuk no ... I got a black .... ahh ummm a blue .... a green ...... another blue ... hmmm... yellow ..... oh shit another friggin white ..... should I get rid of both or do two of them cancel each other out? LOL!
lol I've almost gotten in fights over white lighters! someone pulled out a white lighter when I was pretty hammed and I snatched it and tossed it as far into the bushes as I could :mrgreen: they're just bad luck man


Well-Known Member
I'll take ur word for it ..... hahahahaha! hmmm...prolly lotsa other shit in Here that I should get rid of .... hmmm ..... hey what's this .... a hardboiled egg slicer .... what's ur opinion on them .... this one is like a steel colour ... maybe even stainless, not likely though, I'm too fukin cheap, ..... so so whaddya think?


Well-Known Member
I heard they are only bad if they used to be one color before and then became white. Like it had a wrap on it or something. And cops or something would look for people with white lighters cuz they were being used a lot or some dumb crap like that. That is what peeps always said in college. I put no faith in the white lighter clame, and welcome any and all means of initiating fire. I prefer a match though, who wants to suck in butane with their bowl hit???