Agree completely both are the same but greenhouse cheaper and feminized as of now and new growers herm stable regular seeds alot so yeah I could see it being new growers cheaper seeds the nest grow they spend $200 on seeds but they are a better grower and think its the seeds. My first grow was brick seed and it was pretty good would have never thought.Cool Turkish
"Oh the old "Shantibaba has the original""
I was leaning more to the "better seeds because of better breeding" - perhaps because of better supervision - or a smaller operation - or more skilled workers in the greenhouse - or Mr Nice's fans just review his beans better - or more new growers go with Greenhouse because they're cheaper and Mr Nice's customers are, on average, more experienced growers who end up with better bud - or ... .
I assumed they both had the same parents and Mr Nice took a clone from the parents before leaving.
The same difference in seed quality as you'd get in bud quality if two differently skilled, or supervised, growers were growing plants from seeds from the same breeder's batch.
My saying that Mr Nice was the original breeder wasn't a knock on Greenhouse, just to show the quality of breeder that Mr Nice is. The better reviewed beans from the same parents ...
I havent had any herms from my mix packs (knocks on wood) havent had in the past either but those where reguler seeds 2 years ago feminized is new to me.