Pre-flower Question


Active Member
Oright my plants have been veging for 4 weeks and 3 of them have started to show pre-flowers. Do I need to induce flowering soon or can I wait because the other 3 aren't ready yet. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
You can wait. Pre-flowers just mean they are mature enough to flower, not that you have to.

ftc Lando

just keep eye out for males, they show first i think. Haven't had too many in my career. They can veg for many months and get massive if you let them, no 'need' to flower per say. Make sure to leave enough room under your lights to allow for some stretch, serious stretch depending on strain and nutes.


Active Member
just keep eye out for males, they show first i think. Haven't had too many in my career. They can veg for many months and get massive if you let them, no 'need' to flower per say. Make sure to leave enough room under your lights to allow for some stretch, serious stretch depending on strain and nutes.
Thanks for the advice. 2 are clearly females and I think the other one is aswell so it's just a case of waiting for the rest.


Well-Known Member
im from wisconsin and im guessing that it is around like september- oct?

Any time now, be patient. They should be finishing up by the end of Oct or beginning of Nov. Hopefully before the first frost. I'm a little south east of you and the days are about 13 hours long now.