fast dry help please


Well-Known Member
ok so i cut a but off my plant ( i kno leave till its done but i wanted to try)..... im tryin to dry it out today so that i can smoke it heres a couple pictures its got a lot of crystals and red hairs are starting to come in can anyone help me out here



Illegal Smile

Put it in microwave at 50% power for short burst of 15 seconds till dry enough to burn.


Well-Known Member
sweet thanks thats my first grow does she look alright i have two 5 ft plants been buddin for awhile now


Active Member
id say oven dry it, wrap in a paper towel/tissue/kitchen roll water ever you got stick the heat up 200c (around that mark) leave for 5mins check then another 5 check carry on does take about 20 odd mins.....

Ive tryed mirco wave a few times, didnt like this way, wack the mircowave on low,, reason being it zaps it dry and crisp so the slightlest touch and its crumbles like fuck (goes extremely brittle)

lowered the heat on next go turnt out better but not to my full likeing

also tryed hair dyer, takes a while and gets borring and dont realy rate this either ( out in a lunch box or sumthing with a lid open up slightly and let the hairdyer blow)

My prefered option is oven though, probably the longest but 20-30mins aint tooo long,


Well-Known Member
thanks guys think i might go put windows up in my truck leave it in the sun for a couple hours does that seem ok to do ?????


Well-Known Member
thanks guys think i might go put windows up in my truck leave it in the sun for a couple hours does that seem ok to do ?????
no m8 dont put it in front of the sun , it degrades what thc u have. best way is to find a heat spot either ontop of your monitor or pc sumwhere wrap ya buds in a paper bag and rest on top of the heat source. another quiker way is to cut up the buds into small pieces and dry that way, dries alot quicker. or use a heat mat / (same as any heat source) ,oven works ok but if u over do it u end up with crispy buds same wiv microwave. best iv found is to dry the buds slowley its worth the wait really, might take 8 hours but its worth it.


Well-Known Member
ok wat if i put it back in my grow box and hang dry it in there will the lights be just like the sun?? or am i safe to hang it in there cause i kno its hot in the box


Well-Known Member
the best way to sun dry is to put it in a brown paper bag and then seal it. it will take all day but the tast will be worth it.

BETTER leave the rest of the flowers on the bush.


Well-Known Member
hahaha i will most def leave them all on the bush especially the top one it looks so so good cant wait :) thanks for the paper bag info ...... that wont make to much moisture like a baggie would will it?????

Illegal Smile

If its one little bud and you want it quick, the microwave is the answer. If it want to dry it right hang it in the dark for a week.


Well-Known Member
no it absorbs the moisture which is then burned off by the warmth of the sun. the flavor is much diff than other types of drying.

u can also get a coffee warmer and make a cylinder out of paper, stand it up above the heat elementand suspend the bud with a paperclip. in a hour or two it will be dry

if your oven has a pilot stick it in there over night it should be good in the morning

stay away from micro waves these guys are numbskulls.:roll:


Well-Known Member
how do u properly dry it and then how long do u leave it in the jar??
Too long if you're already sampling a plant still in flower.
From the looks of those pics thats really young, no bulk at all. IMO not close to even looking tempting. Let her mature.
You'd do better leaving her alone and buying a bag so you're not tempted.


Well-Known Member
how do u properly dry it and then how long do u leave it in the jar??
You let it hang in a dark area with good air movement. A fan is ok, just dont want it blowing directly on them. About 10-14 days, until the stem break cleanly with a snap. Then cut you nugs off and loosely put them in jars. Storing those in a dark area, opening the jars 1-2 times a day for a few minutes to air. 30 days or so, properly cured, smooth smoking bud.bongsmilieThe longer it is in the jars, the smoother it gets. To a point.

